The End
Some time back someone told me that I should skateboard to help me improve my surfing (actually surfing would also improve my surfing but that’s a whole other story all together) and then someone said that the movement of snakeboarding is much closer to surfing and that I should try that instead. So I missioned to find a snakeboard…
It seemed that snakeboards were a bit hard to get a hold of – which of course just made me hold on to the idea with more tenacity – sorta like a pitbull. Snakeboards were invented by a guy from Cape Town but since it sold better overseas than here, he stopped selling them in South Africa quite a while back. This I found out after doing lots of research on the internet and I also found out that he had sold the company to a toy company in the UK and therefore snakeboards were a thing of the past. The toy company only wanted to use the ‘snakeboards’ name and didn’t produce them. Anyway, I did manage to track a skateboard shop in the UK who had bought all the old stock and I bought me a couple of boards.
Happy ending? Well no, because the boards were still in the UK and I got it sent to a friend of a friend’s place because the delivery charges to here were just ridiculous (or at the time I thought so). Then there was a 6 month period where they went from house to house of Capetonians in London and subsequent people were supposed to bring it down here with them but kept not doing so. Yup, travelling without moving.
Eventually I started on my travels and I had the idea in the back of my head to pick them up in London myself sometime. Also my cousin was now in London and got the snakeboards and kept it for me. The nice part of family is that you can always kidnap their sister or call up their mother to get them to do what you want them to do, though I’m not sure which option is more drastic. Trooper that my cousin is, he sent it down to me now that I’m back home and I had managed to completely avoid going back to the UK to get them.
So the other night, after a year and a half after the initial mission was dreamt up, I went out for a boarding session with some friends and had ball of a time while being thrown out of three different parking lots. Happy ending? Not really because it turns out that I surf and snakeboard with different feet in the rear so snakeboarding won’t really improve my surfing. (And for those needlessly neurotics amongst you, if I had theoretically kidnapped my cousin’s sister, I would theoretically by now have released her without her having suffered any permanent damage)
Now this is the point where I supposed to have thought up a point to this story and to have tied it in as a fittingly humourous metaphor to life and maybe my past year of travel but I’m drawing a blank here people. So think of some appropriate morals or meanings with which to resonate (nice word, nuh?) with nice resonatedness to my story or life, or even better, your life and tell me about it some time. That way I can figure out this whole meaning of life business too. Or better yet: (I just though this up and I think it’s quite clever or actually – what I really usually aim for – it just makes me sound clever) Tell It To Yourself. (The capitals might have been a bit much).
Anyway, this is my last post on this travel blog. Its been a fucken fantastic year. Words can’t express its fantasticness enough and, as much you people like to live through other people’s words, please get out there and do something similar in your own way. Ask yourself: When last did I do something for the first time? Life improves immeasureably when you can answer that question without hesitation or shame. I met so much people, seen so many things, done so many things that it all just balls up into this big bundle of Wow, This Is Amazing! (And no, the capitals are not too much by a long way.) I walk around here and look and people and places and things and think to myself: you need to know what I know, you need to see the things I’ve seen and, most importantly, to feel how I felt. I feel like I discovered something everyone looks for but I don’t know how to pass it onto them.
Also, I don’t particulary want to stop writing this blog and I’m thinking of starting up a newsletter in which I can just talk some kak to you people and put in a few pretty pictures as well. If you think this is a good idea, please email me at or add a comment to this post or email contact me on one of my other email addresses. I’ll be doing a newsletter hopefully once every two weeks (which weirdly enough corresponds to fortnightly) and will continue IF I get enough subscribers and figure out some way to make money from it (yep, its all about the money – good ol’ fucken capitalism rears its head). So tell as much people as you can because this is only going to work if I can get enough people to subscribe.
Expect the first newsletter in two weeks if I get enough people signed in and feel free to email me with comments and suggestions or topics to write on and your pics all to What are you still sitting there for? Go out and tell people!
But let’s also say goodbye now just in case we don’t meet again, so that we have some closure. Goodbye, au revoir, adios, ciao. It’s been brilliant, thanks for coming along for the ride, I enjoyed it more than you but I hope you enjoyed it in some small part too.
The End.
Tags: Travel, Tag Index