BootsnAll Travel Network

Lima part two *brought to you by Coca tea*

You know that Goo Goo Dolls song Iris where it goes ¨and you bleed just to know your alive¨and it´s from some movie with Nicholas Cage. Well. in Lima, the taxis beep just to let you know that they´re right behind you and available.
Last night i went out for a few drinks with 3 American girls from Florida who are also at my hostel. Lima wasn´t that hoppin´, but there were lots of places that were open, just not full in any sense of the word. but we found a good one and had some Cervezas. An Australian guy (or so he said) came and said hello and claimed he was from Manly. He didn´t sound very Australian, but i am inclined in some ways to believe him as there seems to be an Australian everywhere i go, though they are far outnumbered by Americans. We then went to a pirate themed bar for a while. I learnt some strange American customs that I will have to share upon my return.
This morning I got up later than planned I´m still a little confused by my alarm clock. But I soon headed out to buy a bag to use during the day. The one I got has a Llama on it and is grey and brown, it will most certainly turn up in pictures. I also got a small mirror for 3 soles, or one Aus$. I then went back to the hostel then headed off to central Lima. I siccessfully caught one of the minibusses that i think are caught collectivos all the way along Av Arequipa and into the city. I walked through some of the large plazas and to the San Francisco Cathedral. I went on a tour (in English) that was good. There were lots of bones either piled up in holes or layed out in elaborate patterns. There was also a lot pf art. The art and architecture were in a Spanish style (with some Moorish elements that I found suprising, but i suppose it makes sense), but with a south America twist. For example, the painting of the last supper (by Marcos Zapata) is very different to the traditional Da Vinci et al representation. The table is round, there are children serving food, it looks much more like celebration and they are serving Peppers and Cuy (guinea pig). The whole place was very interesting.
Then, on my way to catch a bus back to Miraflores and my Hostel (which i wanted to do before dark) i had some dinner/ late lunch. I know that you´re not meant to have cold salads, but i ordered one by accident kinda, but it was drenched in Lime juice (that I can still taste in my mouth hours later) and my basic knowledge of biology leads me to think that it may have killed the things that make people sick anyway. I also had an Omlette thing that I thought was going to be a tortilla, it´s those little suprises that remind me that I can´t speak spanish.
I also accidently went into the postal museum when a smiling security man convinced me wuth his enthusiasm for the place. I had to sign in for some reason. The Postal museum wasn´t that interesting, except for the fact that they had a Star Wars section, that I guess was meant to be an example of how the stamps would look in a galaxy far far away if they were designed by peruvians and in spanish.
Then I found myself in what I´m going to term Postal Lane, where there were many stalls selling postcards, maps, parcels and stickers, and Che merchandise… I also accidently found the post office (woooo).
Unfortunatly, though i collected many addresses before i left, i didn´t bring any with me. So those who want a postcard (no guarantees) should send me their address via e-mail.
So that´s my day, I´m doing washing tonight rather than going out so that i can get up a bit early tomorrow and organise getting to Ica (where there are sand dunes to sand board down).
I´m also going to try to get some photos up tomorrow.

Buenas Noches Mi Amigos (?)

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4 responses to “Lima part two *brought to you by Coca tea*”

  1. Luke says:

    hi em. twas nice to hear from you the other day even if it was early in the morning. good to here the lamas (limans?) are treating you well. its cold and wet here, it has really stopped raining in a week. i’m organising two of every animal to be rounded up and placed on my boat, we shall sail across the newly expanded ocean to NYC, stopping by to pick up some of our favourite mid-west bands on the way, and meet you atop the empire state, which will then be the empire state jetty. very good. see you there for a rocking raucous.

    no one is commenting so i thought i would demonstrate how its done 🙂

  2. Luke says:

    turns out people have been commenting. i seem to be electronically deranged. i hope i am not turned in for a better model. liam has ur blog address so expect an influx of crazy commentary.

    love you

  3. Liam says:

    Lima is my hometown. Is cerveza beer? There is some confusion between a friend of mine about what cervaza means, stemming from an audio file of what sounded like a pedo-file saying “mmmmmn….. cervaza” in a scary/sleazy way.

    You should make more jokes about strange local customs, matt needs more material for his jerry seinfield impressions.

    Your trip would scare me alot. You are the bravest person ever. Your new name is Hero.

  4. Jenny Bacon says:

    Hi Em
    It all sounds fantastic particularly the Last Supper with a menu of guines pig! Why don’t they ever have that sort of thing on the art programs on TV – parhaps there could be a cooking show with Last Supper menus from around the world! I have been checking the weather in Lima on SBS and so far it looks as though it has been good. Enjoy

  5. Nic says:

    Hey! Wow its kinda surreal to think that, right now, you’re sitting/sleeping/waking in a different country, on a different continent, at a different latitude/longitude/time zone ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD! Sounds like you’re having an amazing time, although I’m very appalled at you’re bad biology – lime juice only kills the bad things if the bad things can’t live in acidic environments. So if you have superbugs that can survive v acidic environments, you’re screwed. I bet you have ebola already. Anyways, post again soon, i want pictures of the Star Wars section of the postal museum 🙂 nic xoxo

  6. admin says:

    Luke: It was good to talk to you too, I look forward to meeting you with your ark, but make sure to rescue Modest Mouse, Wolf Parade and The Kings of Leon. The Strokes can probably swim. can`t wait to see you, wish you were here with me.

    Liam: are you Paddington bear?
    Yes, Cerveza is beer. Yesterday I had my first Pisco Sour, which is like Peru`s national cocktail, I did´nt like it much, but don`t tell the Peruvians. It has raw egg in it.

    Jenny: The weather in Lima was very misty and quite cool, where i am now, Nazca, it perfect, it`s sunny in the day and wasn`t too cold at night. Apparently i will freeze in Bolivia and only an icicle will return to australia.

    Nic: Yeah, it is a bit of a psyche, you all feel so far away, but close too. Well, I´m not sick yet, but i`m sure that`s just because i`ve been lucky, i haven`t been obeying all those horribly strict guidelines . . .
    I`m going to try to do photos this afternoon after a tour I`m going on to see some mummies.

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