BootsnAll Travel Network

Photos: revenge of the 5th. jaja.

So as per usual I have to apologise for being negelctful, I did type up a long Blog thing the other day but then my computer went crazy and I gave up. SO instead, I´ll give you a super quick rundown, and heaps of photos illustrating the huge amounts of fun that can be had in Colombia.
So, I went to Santa Marta, Taganga, Tyrona (paradise), Cartagena and back to my beloved Bogota. And I didn´t even get Dengue, though a whole bunch of other people did.
In Bogota I´ve been seeing friends, slowly figuring out Spanish classes and place to live and enjoying the city.

I´m not going to do any volunteering, as I think I need better Spanish for that, though my Espanol is definitly improving all the time. I have a Spanish friend Called Xavier who doesn´t understand my English apparently, so we speak in Spanish, though I can´t understand his Spanish because he is from Northern Spain and everything is one big lisp. So I speak Spanish and he speak English sometimes, Bizarre.

Cartagena Wall

Mas Cartagena

Un Ciudad Bonito

The girls at the beginning of one of our nights out. It´s probably better that I don´t post more of the night.

Playing Risk in Bogota. Xavier, Phil and Ella. It was an intense game of Skill and Wit, where Ella´s Israeli army training turned out to be of no use, Phil didn´t succeed in his mission of killing all my little soldiers and Xavier was a ridiculous Spaniard.

La Iglasia de Candalaria

Bogota Corner

Afternoon light in El Centro

El Nuevo case de Mark, Adam and Ed. Mark from Melbourne at the entrance to the little private lane that their house is on.

We may not celebrate Halloween in Australia, but that´s not going to stop me going all out for crazy celebrations when I happen to be in a country smart enough to celebrate it. Unfortunatly, It happened to be a Dry Weekend because of elections (imagine of they stopped people drinking on election weekend in Australia), so we had to pre buy filthy Ron Jamaica and have a house party at Mark, Adam and Ed´s place.
Haloween is actually wednesday, so mas fiesta then, plus Friday a bunch of us are going to see a band called Sidestepper in a big halloween concert thing. I love Bogota.

Superheros and Chucky
At this point Flash Gordon was still in a one piece costume.

this is how we roll in Bogota
And now Two Piece.
Finn is in the skimpy swim suit, Jaimie is Flash and Eli didn´t bother, because that´s how the man mountain rolls.

Saucy Cat face
I went as a gatito but the low quality facepaint didn´t last long.

Alix, Me and Carolina

Xavier´s mad Skeleton make-up thanks to Yours truely and dodgy facepaint

Montserrat and the Moon
The mountain/Hill that overlooks our part of Bogota

A big Congratulations to Johnny, Monique and Bailey! I´m now a sort of Auntie in a cousin sort of way!

I have to go and play football now (try calling it soccer near the British, Spanish or Colombians).

I have a ticket to Modest Mouse in El Paso, Texas, on the 12th of November, so I´m definitly leaving Bogota, though don´t blame me if I get lost in Texas.


6 responses to “Photos: revenge of the 5th. jaja.”

  1. Luke says:

    you’re taking killah photos em, that camera is D bomb. will cya soon and we’ll take some together 🙂 ext engrish tomorrow, eco on tuesday, then all done. people keep cutting my hair and now i almost have an awesome bowl cut, i wish. bowl cuts are the bomb for all my anon readers.

    cya kinda soon em, love you

  2. Chris says:

    Hi Em,

    The Spanish seems to be improving. How many people live in Bogota? I imagined a much busier city than your photos suggest (outside I mean).

    In the election the polls still haven’t moved outside the margin of error since March. See Antony Green at for the implications of that in seats!!!

    I’ve given my last class at UTS – the wheel is turning. In less than six weeks we’ll be in the US. Haven’t decided quite what to do before or after NY yet, but will do so soon.



  3. Mary O'Donnell says:

    Dear Emma,nrYour photos are fantastic, we are all having great fun, following your travels.nrThanks for all the best wishes, Johnnie, Monique and Bailey are doing fine, I must admit I have slipped into my nana role very nicely!!!!!!!!He is a very handsome little man, very long and with big feet and a cute little round face and has little tufts of blond hair!!nrMichelle has become a very excited auntie and is going well and sends her love.nrJohnnies 21st we have postponed till late January, so I hope you will be back by then,nrStay safe and well,nrLove always,nrMaryxxxxxxxx

  4. Wendy says:

    Hi Em great photos and blog. Colombia looks excellent. Am definitely going to Bogota one day? how many people did you say lived there>
    It looks smaller than what I imagined ,

  5. Brad (Arunn) says:

    your looking great Em, ps That Chucky head is fantastic I hear there is a great black market on cartoon costumes in Bogota, or so your photos reveal anyway.

    Keep having fun and see you when you get back.

  6. Pip says: says:

    Hi EmnrThe latest photos are fantastic and yes I agree – Bogata does look like a beautiful place to be – Cartagena looks pretty good as well! By the time you read this you will no doubt be in El Paso – hope you enjot the Modest Mouse concert – I am sure it will be wild.nrnrI have just been to book tickets for Deb and I to a couple of shows during the Sydney Festival- looking forward to it. ALso so down to the snowy mountains with the bushwalking club to do a 6 day walk next week. nrnrKeep having fun – we miss you though!nrnrLovenrPip

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