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Photos 6… I`m out of witty titles

Monday, December 10th, 2007

if you can think of one, I`ll give you a prize!
anyway.. Still in Colombia, as per usual, but I`m leaving tomorrow on a boat to Panama, then fly to the US on the 19th, so goodbye to the Spanish speaking world in only a little while… very sad.
Anyhow, PHOTOS, because it`s easier than explaining.
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Photos: revenge of the 5th. jaja.

Monday, October 29th, 2007

So as per usual I have to apologise for being negelctful, I did type up a long Blog thing the other day but then my computer went crazy and I gave up. SO instead, I´ll give you a super quick rundown, and heaps of photos illustrating the huge amounts of fun that can be had in Colombia.
So, I went to Santa Marta, Taganga, Tyrona (paradise), Cartagena and back to my beloved Bogota. And I didn´t even get Dengue, though a whole bunch of other people did.
In Bogota I´ve been seeing friends, slowly figuring out Spanish classes and place to live and enjoying the city.
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Mas de Colombia y un poco de Venezuela

Sunday, September 30th, 2007
So Medellin was fun, saw more Botero (he´s from there) and went to a massive EXITO (giant supermarket things that are everywhere in Medellin) and went to bizzare nightclubs with exciting folks from the hostel. I also ran into a ... [Continue reading this entry]

Huge Amounts of Fun / Photos v 4.0

Monday, September 17th, 2007
I know I know, It`s been a photo drought, but here you go, from Foz de Iguazu onwards (sorry, you´re not getting any of Chile or the Salt flats, you`ll just have to wait for my return as the photos ... [Continue reading this entry]


Friday, September 7th, 2007
Instead of doing a blow by blow account of my time in Colombia, I`m just going to tell you guys a few things about this most excellent country and some things I`ve done here. Bogota Bogota ia a cosmopolitan and modern ... [Continue reading this entry]

Sandflies in Paradise

Wednesday, August 22nd, 2007
I´m waiting at the Sao Paulo airport (not the one where there was the crash because the runway is too short) for my flight to Lima and I thought i might pass the time with blogging! There´s not really a lot ... [Continue reading this entry]

Large amounts of water and how I became an Illegal Immigrant

Thursday, August 16th, 2007
I just noticed that the blog has actually had over 1000 unique visitors apparently, how odd. Thought I´d better finish updating before I reach my next destination,where I´m pretty sure there is no internet. That exciting and mysterious location IS...Ilha ... [Continue reading this entry]

Across 3 countries (should be 4 but I´m tired)

Friday, August 10th, 2007
So I think I left you in Potosi when I was travelling with Henry and was about to head to Uyuni. Our last day In Potosi I met Helen who I knew from Cuzco and La Paz and she was ... [Continue reading this entry]

La Paz (means strikes and visa trouble) Cochabamba (has art) Sucre (is nice) Potosi (is cold and high)

Thursday, July 26th, 2007
So I left you in the Pampas with some photos, it´s not 4 cities later and I have no photos for you, but suck it up eh? I wouldn´t have returned to La Paz for more than a few hours if ... [Continue reading this entry]

Photos III

Wednesday, July 18th, 2007
Here are some photos of fun in La Paz stefan and i at the football Stefan and I at the Bolivar vs The Strongest (no idea why their team name is in english) Patrick, Owain, Stefan and myself ... [Continue reading this entry]