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Archive for April, 2007

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a SUPER update

Saturday, April 28th, 2007

So I haven’t been very good at this…

– I’m leaving June 10th
-the plan is now Peru (Lima, Huancayo, Cusco, Pucullpa, Iquitos), Ecuador (Quito, Banos, Otavalo, Galapagos(!!!), Loja), Peru again (North coast, Nazca, Arequipa, Puno and Lake Titicaca). Bolivia (Copacabana, La Paz, Sucre and others), Brazil (Sao Paulo), Cuba (Havana and other places), Mexico (Mexico city, Oaxaca and all around) and the USA (San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Boston, NYC and maybe others like Montreal).
– planning to see some of my favourite bands in the USA and other places if possible.
– I have my ticket! (almost)
-Have been in contact with Erin, Marriana and Natalia and am planning to have some fun reunions.
– Don’t have a job at the moment… but i’m leaving in 6 weeks.
– I have the footprint guide to south america, and its my new crack.
– Quite a few people have offered to give me some contacts, so hopefully some of those will work out.

I’m going to sign off now because I’m actually writting a long e-mail to Sue-Lin in China.
Buenos Dias Amigos,
Tienes una buena semana (?)