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Aussie Rules!

Friday, April 21st, 2006

Ok, so after a few days here is my take on Australia so far. I spent the first three days in Sydney…(New York City,)…enough said. Ok, i’ll say a little more…it’s a huge international city. I didn’t find the people too friendly and everyone just seemed to be in a rush to go somewhere but probably not quite sure where. Yesterday i took an excruciatingly long bus ride from Sydney to Melbourne. It took just over 12 hours. I could have flown and it would have taken about 1 hour but i saved about 50 bucks, i love being cheap. The countryside was pretty nice. I would probably compare it to a dry northern california. Lots of farms, sheep, cattle etc…but no freaking Kangaroos. I’m dying to see a Kangaroo cause then I think I will feel like i’m really in Australia. It was really wierd to see the colors changing on all the trees as we headed south. It’s freaking april and i’m in the middle of autum and heading to winter, very strange. So I arrived in Melbourne last night. I was freaking tired and was about to crash when a couple of nice scottish lasses came into the room and invited me out for some drinks. We went out to an irish pub for a few drinks and I met some aussie girls and pretended to be Irish. After my Irish accent failed miserably i had to tell them i was American. As soon as this girl heard that she yelled out “Seppo” to all of her friends and they all laughed. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what she was talking about so i asked her what “Septo” meant. She said “Seppo” is short for Septic Tank, which rhymes with Yank…how do you like that. So if any of you wondered how they feel about americans outside the states there it is. Now keep in mind it was said in good fun but i found it interesting. So i askesd these girls and a few other people why they thought people hated americans and the first words out of one guys mouth was…yes…you guessed it, “George Bush.” Now you can take that however you want but i though it was classic. He also laughed at a statistic he heard about only 40% of Americans or so own passports, i’ve heard it was less. So after we talked more about why we are hated I was then invited to an Aussie Rules game today, should be fun. I may get into a fight at the game just to make it more entertaining. So as for my plans for the next few weeks…I’m off to Adelaide on a 6 day tour that will take me down the Great Ocean Road and off to Kangaroo Island for what it supposed to be some splendid wildlife viewing. Then i fly to Alice Springs and do a 7 day tour all the way up to Darwin. This will include Uluru (Ayers Rock) and some other stuff as well. For you non-geography majors who don’t know where any of those places are…well…i’m not gonna tell you, go look them up. Anyway, that’s all. I hope all is well with everyone and remember…Have your pets spaid or neutered…Goodbye Everyone!

I’ve come to a land down under!

Tuesday, April 18th, 2006

As my plane flew into Sydney today all i could think about was that song…”I’ve come from a land down under…”  I have not met any strange ladies who have made me nervous and then taking me in and made me breakfast.  I have not bought bread from a man in Brussels who was 6 foot four and full of muscles.  I can’t hear the thunder but you better believe when i do I will take cover.  I haven’t seen any woman that glow or men that plunder but believe me guys I will let you know.  Anyway, so i’m in Sydney…hard to believe i’m on the other side of the world.  It’s fall here but still pretty warm.  It was about 75 or so today.  I took a walk around the city today and if i didnt’ know better I would think i was back in the states.  I’m not quite sure what i’m going to do next.  The plan is to stay in Sydney for a few days and then see what happens.  I may hed to Melbourne to meet up with a girl i met in Fiji but i’ll just wait and see what happens.  I will make sure to keep you all posted.

 This link will show you a map of my travels.  Hopefully it will work.