Back to Vancouver
Back in Vancouver and surprise surprise! No work for three weeks and as soon as I step out of the city, Chapters bookstore calls me up for an interview, though of course I wasn’t there and now have missed the weekend interviews. They’ll call me back later if they require me. I wanna work at Chapters! It’s like Borders, though not quite as posh.
Walked to Granville Island to the QuickNav boating school to collect my manuals for the course on the weekend. It’s two full days at sea and two evenings in the classroom, after which I will be certified Competent Crew. I have to do lots of revision this week so I’ll be able to understand what the hell the skipper is going on about (raise the jib! Loosen your cleat! Tiller to starboard!). Have also been given a rope to learn six knots. Ron the owner said did I have a boyfriend to tie up and practice on. Unfortunately no, a table leg will have to do.
I have been offered to live with Jeff (from Nova Scotia), Frank (Australia) and Danielle (also Australian) which I will accept if they find anywhere reasonable priced.
Tags: Vancouver
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