General waffle
3 August
I’m trapped in Victoria, which is annoying but not the worst thing that’s ever happened to me. I can’t get on the Moose tour back to Vancouver until Mon so I’m just hanging around here walking around the beautiful park and harbour and going to the movies. I’ve decided to go back to Vancouver and get some work and live out in the suburbs with Hillary (NZ friend, my first ever roommate in Vancouver). She’s a very mature 21 and I’m a very immature 31, so we meet quite nicely in the middle.
It was strange here at first without Richard across the room farting and lolling around with no shirt on, but I’m getting used to it now. I moved to a different room but new one has a broken lock so I was locked in (desperate for the loo) for an hour yesterday whilst half the hostel staff tried to get me out with bolt cutters. People in my room are nice but one of them goes to bed at 9.30pm, so I always have to stumble around in the dark. Plus he does little gasps all night as if he has a girl in bed with him, which is quite disconcerting. My cough’s sounding worse and worse, I sound like I have a 40-a-day fag habit.
Tags: Victoria
Hey, living in Switzerland I am always craving what I can’t have from back home without taking out a small mortgage to pay for the postage over. But if you can buy sherbert fountains in Canada, I’m moving!! Great to read what you are up to, makes my hiking expeditions up the north face of the Eiger (well, it seems that way) seem a tad boring. But anyhoo (!)
P.S. How does this thing KNOW I’m in Switzerland? Bit X Files if you ask me!
Hurah, you’re getting comments! Write to me please, i feel abandoned, boo hoo. Are you still coming home?