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Biography Pt Deux

Tuesday, February 7th, 2006

The Twins,

Timothy and Thomas are both 12, about average hobbit height, (I’m sure they can tell us their exact ht, but off hand I don’t know it), above average students, (they must get A honor roll to go on this Voyage) , both of whom love baseball, skateboarding,Ping Pong, riding their bikes around town and playing video games. Thomas is now taking after me and learning to play the Piano, he is a quick learner, and Timmy is a beautiful Artiste, he is perfecting his sketching and drawing abilities. Both boys are kind and considerate (ask any who meet them)and very polite and respectful. I have asked them to jot down some ideas on several topics , so they can share their thoughts with everyone. They asked me what kind of topics. I suggested several. Why the want to go to NZ, who their favorite character was, why they love the movies/books (both are reading the Hobbit now), why i’m the greatest person in the world, hahaha kidding, and so in the ensuing months, between trips to get our passports, me working overtime, them doing extra credit at school etc etc, They will be posting their ideas, I think also its a good idea for me to write my thoughts on those related topics. For Now Namarie
