Paris Jour Deux
Monday, September 24th, 2007Notre Dame
I cannot express, in words, how impressed I was. It was bigger and more beautiful than I thought it would be. The stained glass windows are incredibly beautiful. To think that it was built that well and with the magnificent detail that it is, so long ago is mind boggling. The day we went to visit, it was very sunny. The sun poured thru the multi colored windows and cast a kaliedesope of light inside the cathedral. It was very impressive, andit took my breath away. They played AVE MARIA,( my mothers favorite song) thru the speakers, and it gave the atmosphere a surreal feeling. After walking thru the cathedral, we sat down and enjoyed the moment. I lit a few candles for my Mom. I know she would have loved to have been there. I missed her then. People are allowed to climb up to the Bell Tower and up to the roof,, its an ungodly amount of stairs. But well worth it, The view of Paris with the gargoyles is amazing.
Just in front of Notre Dame is point zero. The exact center of Paris. Paris is a circular city. Its designed in a circle. From there we went to Sacre Coeur via the Metro. The Paris Metro is fantastic. Once you figure it out, and its not too hard, you can get anywhere in the city. It was clean and fast. We actually saw someone singing karoake on a train! You don’t have to wait very long for a train, about every 3 minutes. It stops at 12:30 though, so you have to make that last train.
Sacre Coeur
After seeing Notre Dame, I didn’t think anything could compare, But Sacre Coeur comes very close. The church was dedicated to Sacred Heart of Jesus, and inside was very beautiful. Beautiful paintings and sculptures. Mass was going on, so we attended, thinking we could get pictures after Mass, but they wouldn’t allow pictures, inside. We found this out the hard way, after being threatened with the police! I lit more candles inside. And attending Mass in French was very interesting. I enjoyed it.
Another very enjoyable day. Au Revoir Brian