25 more days!!!!!!! Beyond the Moon
September 10th, 2006
I can’t sleep. The thrill and the excitement are growing with each pasing day. I sit all day at work and daydream about The Shire, which isn’t a very smart thing to do at my job! About 3 nights ago, I came upon a beautiful picure of hobbiton in New Zealand. After admiring the pic for about 10 minutes, I noticed the photgrapher had many. many more pics of new Zealand. Come to find out, said photopragher Catronia, went on the Tour in October 2004! I couldn’t believe my luck, I finnally found someone to write to, who can tell me exactly, what to expect. She was there the same month we’ll be going !!!!! I wrote her, and she has been more than gracious. I hopefully have found a new friend. Her pictures are exquisite, she must be a pro. I would leave a link here, but i’m afraid my pictures wouldn’t measure up, and everyone would compare. Kidding. In her reply, she sent me a wonderful link to a website where other members of many fellowships have undertaken the journey, and where they share, their thoughts and advice. What a Godsend. Not only can I read about past experiences. I can meet new friends, who will be attending the October tour. With. Us. That is so cool! I posted a question about the wearing of costumes and recieved many replies.. Consensus is good. So if certain somebodies get good report cards in school, maybe they will get a surprise.I can say no more. I have heard a rumour about Gandalf appearing in or near Edoras, so I will have to re-think, my costume, I wouldn’t want to be upstaged!! Who am I kidding, no one can upstage me!!!!! ” There is only One Lord of The Ring!” ” And He doesn’t share Power!!!!” kidding. So heres to new friends to come. Cheers
Tags: Max
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