The Itinerary
Day 2: Ex Auckland to Matamata and overnight Rotorua
Day 3: To National Park and Mt Ruapehu overnight Ohakune
Day 4 & 5: To Wellington and overnight
Day 6: Fly to Christchurch and overnight
Day 7: To Mt Cook and overnight
Day 8: Cromwell or Lake Wanaka
Day 9: Queenstown & overnight
Day 10: Lake Te Anau
Day 11-12: Queenstown
Day 13: Departure
North Island sites :
*Hobbiton (+ lunch at ‘The Shire’s Rest’ )
*Optionals – Tamaki Maori Village, concert & meal. Geothermal activity
* River Anduin. ( Bungy activity available here.)
*Emyn Muil, Mordor and Mt. Doom
*Gollum’s fishing pool
*Powderhorn Chateau (where the stars stayed)
* Meet the Black Rider – trainer of horses and actors, plus key roles in all
3 movies.
* The site where the Elves are leaving Rivendell for the West and Arwen has
her vision of Aragorn and their son.
*The film studios
*Meet the Calligrapher & Map Maker
* The “Get off the road” site.
*Leaving Lothlorien / Gladden Fields.
*Isengard Gardens
* Rivendell
*Helms Deep and Minas Tirith
*Visit the cloak factory
* Chocolate Fish Cafe – second breakfast where the Stars went.
South Island sites:
* Edoras
*The Pelennor Fields
* The great chase site – Arwen pursued by Black Riders
*The Rohan sites – leaf brooch canyon and where the village was burned
*Fangorn Forest, another River Anduin
* The Orc funeral pyre and where Gandalf the White called up Shadowfax
* Where Merry & Pippin hid in the log and where Sam & Frodo paddled away
*Milford Sound ( optional extra )
*The Misty Mountains
* Amon Hen and Ithilien
* Queenstown highlights – optionals – Refugees leaving Edoras ; Aragorn’s
warg attack rock; Pillars of Argonath; Ford of Bruinen; horse trekking;
helicopter to sites, etc. etc.
Tags: Travel
“All you have to do is to decide what to do with the time given to you.”