11 Days to Go-Tres Bien
11 days to go to France. All hell is breaking loose. God is putting us to the test again. I swear he places roadblocks in our path, just to see how badly we want to go. Last week my computer went out. i’m still waiting to get it back. This week my brakes on the Xterra need to be changed. And Sue has heard of potential health problems to someone in her family, that might require postponement of the trip. But we are praying that NEVER happens. I made the last of our reservations today, we are going on a Greyline Tour, that was highly reccomended by Mary Suarez Turner, a fellow co-worker. This tour takes us on a River boat tour at night of Paris, when the city is totally illuminated, dinner at the Eiffel tower and a Show at the Moulin Rouge! 6 hours total. I’m looking forward to it. Plus Moulin Rouge is one of my favorite movies. I think Sue is also looking forward to it. Now all I have to do is pack, and thats going to be quite and undertaking . I’m under strict orders not to pack any clothes that makes me look American. when we land I’m going to become Francois Sebastien! My new identity. Francois is a very handsome, debonair, and smart Belgian Spy. Going undercover with a beautiful secret agent. Where her feminine wiles fail, his brains and charm may succeed! Our cover is young Parisian lovers, enjoying the sites of the city of lovers. Hahahah, if Andy (Sue’s Husband )hears this I’m in trouble!!!! Lets not tell him. It’s our secret. Shhh. Back to reality, I’m not allowed to dress “american” ie shorts or t-shirts, because we want to realy enjoy the French culture and environment, and don’t want to look like everyone else. We shall see.. Au Revoir Mes Amies.
Tags: Travel
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