Well I’m Back
Truer words were never spoken, but it doesn’t say it all. Back to the grind. Back to the grime. Middle Earth only exists now in my memories and my pics. I have over 1500 and its going to take a long time to download, I have been home 2 days now and thats all I’ve done so far. And it makes it hard to get back in the swing of things, I’m suffering from NZ withdrawal. The boys are already back at school. I don’t go back to work till the 10th of november, which is good, becuase I know I couldn’t handle that right now. In the next few days I will be adding stories from our trip, here. But then what,, this blog was only a journal of our trip to NZ. And we are done,, does it end there? I haven’t decided yet,,, Namarie Max
ps don’t forget to check out the pics with the link to the right or click here
Tags: Max
As you know, I did the trip in Oct 2004. 2 years later and it still hasn’t ended! You will spend endless hours uploading and adding comments to all your pictures. Printing off photos for an album, sharing your memories with family and friends. I made a DVD of my trip – it took a year to do properly because I added LOTR scenes to each location and added LOTR music. I’m now creating the most awesome scrapbook all about it and of course sharing my memories with the Fellowship on the RCT website.
The journey never really ends.
Ah my friend, you are suffering from the post-trip blues. I am familiar with that malady. The only remedies are recalling all of your awesome memories, and time.
Looking forward to hearing all of your stories! 🙂
Hey, Brian! I think it may be the nature of this trip. I too am having a really tough time coming back from middle earth. I didn’t have this problem when I returned from my trip last year to England and Paris, and I was gone the same amount of time. I enjoyed those places and would love to go back to Paris as it’s a wonderful city, and see England again, but I didn’t have this displaced feeling I currently have. I’m at least glad to know that I’m not the only one having this problem. So when do we go back for a reunion trip?