Borderlines/ A couple's journey through the Americas, South West Pacific and Asia |
00 Introduction (2)
01 New York (2) 02 Mexico + C. America (4) 03 Florida (1) 04 Brazil (2) 05 Peru (2) 06 Bolivia (3) 07 Argentina (2) 08 Chile (1) 09 New Zealand (2) 10 Australia (2) 11 Singapore (1) 12 Thailand (2) 13 Lao PDR (3) 14 Cambodia (2) 15 China (2) 16 Tokyo (1)
Recent Entries
* Photos from Beijing / Fotos de Beijing
* Tokyo in Colour / Tokyo en color * Cityhopping in China / De ciudad en cuidad por China * Back in Bangkok / De neuvo en Bangkok * Cambodia's past and present / El pasado y presente de Camboya * Onwards to Angkor / De camino a Angkor * A little slice of paradise / Un pedacito de paraíso * Still on "Lao Time" / Seguimos en "Hora Laoense" * Crossing Borders / Cruzando Fronteras * Thailand in Brief / Tailandia en breve * A country within a city / Un país en una ciudad * Queensland: The Sunshine State / Queensland, el estado del Sol * Summer again / Verano de nuevo * Free Fall / Caída Libre * Land of Adventure / Tierra de Aventuras * A Week of Rest / Una Semana de Descanso * The Best for Last / Lo Mejor Para el Final * Back to Civilisation / De Vuelta a la Civilización * Last of Bolivia / Nuestro final en Bolivia * Bolivian Amazonia
November 15, 2004Land of Adventure / Tierra de Aventuras
It's nice to be back in a first world country once more. It was a surprise to step off the plane at Auckland into a clean, orderly service-oriented culture again (we'd totally forgotten what this was like). Chile in general was pretty well developed but this introduction to New Zealand blew the socks off us. Even the bus stop at the airport was equipped with a GPS (global positioning system) device, to tell us when the next bus would be. At this halfway mark of our journey the change was nice. Almost from the get-go, we had a good feeling about how our stay here would go. The 8 hour shift in timezones left us a bit dazed for the first day, but we didn't let that stop us. Barely able to keep ourselves awake at 6pm, we got roped into a table quiz along with a sound English guy, Ian (who was also feeling the effects afer arriving from Canada). This kept us going for another few hours and surprise, surprise... team "Too Tired To Think" ended up bagging the top prize of a $50 bar tab along with a travel voucher. You can't ask for a better omen than that on arrival in a new continent. Besides the nice friendly people in NZ, one of this country's greatest assets is the scenery (anyone that has seen "Lord of the Rings" will know what I'm talking about). The short distances and cheap rental cars make it easy to get around (plus they drive on the left-hand side of the road like in Ireland).We took a car out for a few days to see some of the North Island. The flora and fauna that we saw along the way was quite different to that back in Europe. After awhile it becomes apparent that they've got their own unique ecosystem going on here. Lot's of things we couldn't recognise or identify and some of the pine trees were so symmetrical that they looked unnatural. On our route we stopped off to see one of the oldest native kauri trees, which is estimated to be about 2000 years old and has a trunk width of about 12 metres. This huge tree's so famous they even have a name for it; "Tane Mahuta"! The drive we had along the east cost towards the Bay of Islands was particularly enjoyable and we were rewarded with stunning scence after stunning scene. We had to stop and park the car a few times to get up closer to some of the deserted beaches and gorgeous hills. This continued all the way to the Bay of Islands where one of our dreams came true... We finally swam with dolphins! Such splendid creatures, so welcoming and friendly. They played around the boat for awhile so we had the chance to take loads of pictures. Next, we got in the water and saw them right in front of our faces. Their curious eyes and friendly smiles were adorable. The more noise made, the more attention they gave us. So there we were clapping our hands underwater and singing away so that they would stay longer. And they did stay for a bit; until they'd had enough of us and swam off. Probably about time though as the water was too cold to be hanging around in all day. Before we had to give the car back, we managed to make a couple of quick stops to some towns in the interior (Rotarua and Taupo). Then we quickly headed south by train to the capital, Wellington. This is only a hop, skip and a jump away from the South Island, which is where we're going to be finishing up our tour of NZ. Not before some more adventure though of course! **VERSION EN ESPAÑOL** Da gusto estar en un país primer mundista de nuevo! Al bajarnos del avión en Auckland fuimos sorprendidos gratamente con un aeropuerto impecable y ordenado (así es toda Nueva Zelanda). Nos sorprendió por que en algunos de los países sudamericanos nos encontramos con que el orden era casi nulo. Este país nos dio buenas vibraciones desde que pisamos tierra firme y la verdad es que fue llegar y besar el santo! Mientras deambulábamos por el hostal intentando mantenernos despiertos para habituarnos al cambio de horario, decidimos ir a tomar algo con un chico inglés, Ian, que también estaba en la misma situación que nosotros. Nueva Zelanda, a parte de ser conocido por su agradable gente también es conocido por sus impresionantes paisajes (quien haya visto el señor de los anillos sabrá a lo que me refiero). No pudimos resistir la tentación de alquilar un coche (que nos salió más barato que el autobús) y descubrir la parte norte del país. Las cortas distancias y el hecho de que aquí se conduce por la izquierda (como en Irlanda) fue toda una ventaja para Kevin. La flora y fauna de Nueva Zelanda es bastante diferente a la europea y no tardamos nada en darnos cuenta de que el ecosistema que tienen es único. Había muchos animales que ni siquiera conocíamos y encontramos pinos tan simétricos y perfectos que parecían de mentira. Algo que nos llamó la atención fue un árbol Kauri que media 12m de Ancho!!! El viaje hacia el norte por la costa fue totalmente alucinante. Aparcábamos el coche frecuentemente para poder observar las mágicas vistas. Hasta que llegamos a 'Bay of Islands' donde uno de nuestros sueños se hizo realidad. Por fin nadamos con delfines. Que criaturas tan espléndidas, cálidas y simpáticas! No os perdáis la semana que viene!!! Comments
Oh my god - my jealousy knows no bounds!! I've been reading your blog the whole way along, green with envy. And now you're in lovely NZ in Wellington (such a cool city). Good luck with all your travels – I reckon you should probably spend most of your time on the South Island along the West coast, as the scenery is just epic! (Oh and check out The Mussel Inn in Onekaka if you get a chance.) Take care, xx Caragh Posted by: Caragh on November 23, 2004 12:53 PMHey Guys, Sounds like you're still having a ball. the contrast of arriving in New Zealand must have been incredible after the crazyness of bolivia etc. just checking if you've got india on your schedule at all as I'm more than likely going to be working in delhi for 3 or 4 months. Anyway keep enjoying yourselves, i take it you'll be popping back for the ICT reunion on the 23rd ?!? Cass Posted by: Cass on November 23, 2004 01:41 PMHey Guys, Thanks for the comments! Caragh, sorry that we're making you green with envy. The idea of the blog was to avoid sending an email to everyones Inbox every week and really shoving it down peoples throats. Ah well I'm sure it's bringing back some memories for you of NZ! It really is a nice spot to buzz around for awhile. I think the South Island has been our favorite but unfortunately our days here are almost numbered... We're actually off to Oz later today. Cass, yeah it was a real warp arriving in NZ after South America but we got used to it very fast which was a little scary. Unfortuantely India's not on our itinerary (this time around anyway) but that should make a nice change for ya to do a bit of work in that part of the world. I'm afraid that I'm going to be there only in spirit this year for the ICT Xmas do, but remember to have a drink for us! Kev Posted by: Kev on November 25, 2004 11:15 PMHola guapisimos , que pasada lo de la caida libre , hay que tener ..... yo no podria. |
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