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January 06, 2004

Bolivian Driving: Day 1

Remember the American? David “Woody” Woodman? Well upon my return from Samipatia, he invited me out to his farm to prove to me that there are thousands of Canadian Mennonites hanging around out here. Perfect! I wanted to see some farms.

So the next morning, today, January 6th 2004, we set off in an excellent Toyota SUV for the 200km journey out to the colonies.

The road was great, for about ˝ way, then it got really uncomfortable, even with the overactive shocks in the Toyota. Oh well! This IS Bolivia. :)

We took a trip around Davids 10,000 Acre farm and had a great time. Here are some pictures of us on the feids.

Pictures of Farming in Bolivia

Later, in search of Canadians, we headed to a few other farms. At first we had trouble finding anyone old enough to speak English (many of the kids grew up in Bolivia, and speak only low german, and Spanish). I did start to find SOME evidence.. Look closely, a Canadian flag on this buggy!!

Pictures of Canadian Mennonites in Bolivia

Then we headed to the farm of Henry Unrau (formerly of La Crete, Alberta) and had a great time chatting about the ways of Bolivians, Canadians, Americans, and Brazillians.

His wife also makes the best bread I have had since my Nana´s own Haullaugha. Like a slice of home!!

It was really nice to chat with these Canadians. Not quite a great replacement for my own missing friends and family, but better than without.

Posted by Simon on January 6, 2004 05:04 PM
Category: Bolivian Adventures

why did the menomites go to Bolivia?and when and how many

Posted by: papa on January 9, 2004 04:04 AM
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