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October 21, 2004

Day 12: Capitolio Nacional

Salsa was really cool today because I got to dance with Angél, who dances very beautifully. I also talked to Jolanda, a Dutch girl who arrived at the weekend.

Afterwards, I went in a taxi to Habana Vieja, to visit the Capitolio Nacional, which looks a bit like the White House in Washington, ironically...

I also looked for the ´shopping mall´but of course it´s not exactly Harrod´s.. One guy called out to me ´Hey Commandante´ as I was wearing a green cap and two pigtails. I wanted to give him a military salute, but perhaps that is considered a capital offense, so I refrained...

At the Hotel Inglaterra, I was accosted by Jorge, who wanted to walk around Habana Vieja with me, but I declined as he would no doubt want food and drinks as well...

In the bookshop, I bought some Che postcards (you can´t go to Cuba and not buy Che memorabilia) and I walked to the Plaza de Armas, where a guy offered me a ride in his taxi particular. It all seemed to be OK and I got in his car, a Lada on the verge of falling to pieces. Herman and I talked all the way to the Habana Libre hotel, and he dropped me off a bit before as there was lots of policia... so that was my first taxi particular, solo trip! Still cost me 3$ though, so it wasn´t much cheaper...

In the evening I went to Los Siete Mares, were the students all meet up in the evening. I was talking to Brigt, who´s from Norway and will be travelling in South America too, only in the opposite direction from me.

He´s been to Bolivia and thinks it is great, so that´s good news. He was saying that he found it a bit awkward dancing salsa with Angél, but he still prefers it as Angél at least knows what Brigt is trying to do... But tomorrow he will have to dance with Jolanda.

Posted by Nathalie on October 21, 2004 02:16 AM
Category: Cuba
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