BootsnAll Travel Network

Trip Chronology

South America Aug-Dec 2009

Mexico Jan-Apr 2009

Thailand November 2008

Nepal October 2008

Vietnam/Cambodia September 2008

Middle East March – June 2008

Mexico January 2008

Mexico (Dean) September 2007

Arizona March 2007

Kaua’i September 2006

Theodore Roosevelt NP July 2006

Belize January 2006

Waterton-Glacier June 2005

Bahamas January 2005

Morocco May 2004

Costa Rica January 2004

Utah June 2003

Guatemala / Honduras January 2003

Mexico (Dean) August 2002

Banff June 2002

Thailand / Laos Jan – Apr 2001

Indonesia Oct – Dec 2000

Dominican Republic February 2000

San Francisco January 2000

Taiwan (Laynni) August 1999

Mexico (Laynni) March 1999

North America (Dean) Oct – Nov 1997

Barbados (Dean) June 1994


One response to “Trip Chronology”

  1. Darci says:

    Hey Dean and Laynni,
    I’ve read a few of your entries 🙂 Since I have not seen Dean since M’ville grade 10, I’m curious what started the love affair with travelling, and when did you decide to take it to the next level? I’m impressed with your travel list (above) but it may take me years to read all those entries (j/kiddin – well not entirely).
    I’m actually in the process of selling my house and liquidating my assets (realtor said that and it sounded so normal – to me I’m just selling all my crap). I am telling everyone I’m going on an extended vacation when asked where I’m moving to. I don’t know of anyone else personally who has done this, and so I’m hoping to learn a little from the two of you :))
    Have either of you been spit on by a camel yet? I’ve always thought it was so cool how they have quite the spitting ability, I am sure though I would not find it impressive if I was the target 🙂

    Bye for now, safe travels!

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