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Archive for the 'Egypt' Category

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Egypt In My Nut Shell

Sunday, April 13th, 2008

dean-109.jpgQuick disclaimer: these are merely our thoughts and opinions on some of the things we found noteworthy in Egypt and these views are in no way shared by the oppressed people of Tibet. [read on]

Can I Still Say Ferry If It’s About A Boat?

Sunday, April 13th, 2008

dahab-019a.JPGAnxious and confused, frustrated but intrigued, grateful but embarrassed. Welcome to our Nuweiba – Aqaba ferry experience. [read on]

I’ll See Your Laziness and Raise You a Nap

Friday, April 4th, 2008
dean-042.jpgDahab, on the Gulf of Aqaba, our final stop in Egypt. Lounging, diving, lounging, eating, lounging, reading, ... well, you get the picture. But today's story starts a little further back. Due to ... [Continue reading this entry]

When She Didn’t Have A Pot To Piss In

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2008
dean-131.jpgShe emerged from the shrubbery with a pained grimace of disgust etched on her face. So far the Nile "bathrooms" were not living up to her greatest hopes.There was ... [Continue reading this entry]

These Old Mango Shoes Feel Like Dancing

Friday, March 28th, 2008
dean-030.jpgWe eventually made it to Luxor after a 5 hr ride in a tinytaxi with a driver who, by the look on his face once in Luxor, and white panicky-horse eyes, he may have ... [Continue reading this entry]

Black and White Deserts: Living in Harmony

Saturday, March 22nd, 2008

dean-259.jpgInstead of backtracking through Alexandria and Cairo we decided to take the aptly named Desert Road, 420 km across, you guessed it, the desert, to Bahariya Oasis. There is ... [Continue reading this entry]

Donkeys and Deserts

Sunday, March 16th, 2008
siwa-005.jpgFrom Cairo we took a comfortable train to Alexandria, Egypt's 2nd largest city, which sits right on the Mediterranean. We only stopped for one night: nice corniche along the water, checked out Fort Qaitbey ... [Continue reading this entry]

Cairo: Land of the Gods

Tuesday, March 11th, 2008
Or does it actually translate to "Land of the Smoke-Belching Ladas"? Sure, it's easy to bash Cairo because, let's face it, the place isn't exactly the definition of a model city. Traffic, people, smog, people, noise, people, etc. etc. But its volume of sights and ... [Continue reading this entry]