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Archive for October, 2000

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Mind If We Climb Into This Smoking Crater?

Tuesday, October 17th, 2000

October 17, 2000


Yup, we’re in Sulawesi now, as of about two hours ago. It’s a big spider-shaped island north of Bali. We took a thirty-hour ferry ride to get here, and it was the easiest day and a half we’ve spent yet. A meal every six hours, a movie theatre (that showed karaoke videos with bikini-clad chicks instead of movie previews), and our own room with camp-style bunk beds. [read on]

Whoa, The Regulator Doesn’t Go There

Thursday, October 12th, 2000
October 12, 2000

Well, I’m back, but I hate feeling like I’m on the clock when I do these. Of course, I feel like that because I am on the clock, at about $4 an hour, which is a significant chunk of our daily budget down here. Not that I expect the sympathy to flow freely or anything. I think that when I left off we were in Ubud watching some crazy Balinese dancing. [read on]

It’s Not the Heat, It’s the Humidity

Thursday, October 12th, 2000

September 29, 2000

Well, we just got into town (Kuta,Bali) and thought we'd drop a line to let everyone know that we made it all right. We did, and the plane ride(s) ... [Continue reading this entry]