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Archive for May, 2008

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Five Questions With The Locke Family

Friday, May 30th, 2008

turkey-118.jpgThere once was a family of Lockes. Laynni, Lyle and Nadine blazed a merry sightseeing trail right through Istanbul, on to the famous ruins at Ephesus and finally back to Fethiye where they were rescued by a handsome fellow with very becoming facial hair. This fellow then interviewed them about their travels…..and….THIS…. is their story:

[read on]

Dear Turkish Diary

Friday, May 23rd, 2008

turkey-054.jpgA brief record of my daily thoughts and feelings as I make the difficult transition from little girl into bigger girl… [read on]

Not-Too-Early-But-Still-Morning Express

Friday, May 16th, 2008
mix-082.jpgIstanbul or Constantinople? Europe or Asia? Proud independent nation or clumsy hideous bird? In fact, Turkey would prove to be all of these. As if our border crossings weren't already hard enough, what with ... [Continue reading this entry]

The Random Triumvurate

Thursday, May 15th, 2008
Miscellaneous notes wrapping up Jordan, Syria and Lebanon:
  •  In Palmyra we experienced our first guilt trip from a cab driver. On our second day he caught up to us on the street and whined that we had promised him we'd go ... [Continue reading this entry]

Even Knights Should Flush

Sunday, May 4th, 2008
dean-014.jpgFive women, three men, two taxis, a long weekend, a war-torn country attempting to reinvent itself. Does anyone else smell a new ABC sitcom...?That's right, we were off to Lebanon with Barry, Sheena, ... [Continue reading this entry]