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Archive for January, 2001

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A Really Krabi Super Bowl

Monday, January 29th, 2001
January 29, 2001

First things first, I’ll acknowledge the humbling defeat the Giants suffered yesterday. Good game, but pretty disappointing. [read on]

Doesn’t That Kid Look Cute With A Gun?

Monday, January 22nd, 2001
January 22, 2001

Well, good news all around. To start things off I’ll just take a second to gloat about the Giants’ dominating run to the Super Bowl, especially their nasty thrashing of the Vikings, and pass along my prediction:

Giants 16, Ravens 10; [read on]

Merry Christmas and a Slothful New Year

Thursday, January 4th, 2001
January 4, 2001
I don’t know how we keep pulling it off, but once again we've managed to outdo ourselves in inactivity since I last sent ... [Continue reading this entry]