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Archive for March, 2007

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Northern Peru Pre-Inca Societies

Saturday, March 10th, 2007

I went to Trujillo on the nothern coast of Peru to see the famous ruins of the Moche and Chimu civilizations.  Trujillo is in a desert and it is the second largest city in Peru with two million residents.  It is a dump although the old colonial section is quite nice and there are some good archaeological reasons to be there.  The Moche people were spread over the coastal area during a period (100 BC – 650 AD) when it was not such a desert and was actually lush.  Imagine that, another example of the Earth’s environment changing drastically before the Industrial Age!

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Europe of the Americas, Here I Come

Friday, March 9th, 2007

I can´t go to Manu National Park until April. Seakayaking on Lake Titicaca doesn´t start until April. And Bolivia lowlands are flooded. My plans were falling apart on me very quickly this week. So, I am making a radical change to those plans and I am flying next week to Buenos Aires to spend 3-4 weeks in Argentina. I will check out the most European city in the Americas, take in the coast to see wildlife, visit the Glaciers National Park, drink wine in Mendoza during harvest and then make my way north for Bolivia and to finish Peru and maybe see some of Chile. I am not sure if I will get to Uruguay. I am also not too excited about the hoops Brazil is putting me through to get a visa so I may postpone Brazil until I start the next leg of my trip in August. This will leave me more time than I expected and I may use it to see more Peru, go back to Colombia and/or go back to Central America before heading home in late May or early June. I also may put Jamaica, Puerto Rico and the Bahamas back on my possibilities. Who knows? I don´t care now. The focus after seeing the Nazca Lines next week will be ARGENTINA!

Salute to Women

Friday, March 9th, 2007
Yesterday the greatest event of my trip occured. I tried to see an exhibit of Martin Chambi´s 1920-1940s photos of Cusco and Machupicchu, but it was closed until 4 PM (I did see it today with my friend, Mark, and ... [Continue reading this entry]

Peruvian Police

Wednesday, March 7th, 2007
I would be lying if I didn't tell you about some of the downsides of Peru so I will get to them in the next few stories.  While I love the people and places, there are some real problems here.  ... [Continue reading this entry]

Cajamarca Carnaval

Wednesday, March 7th, 2007
I arrived in sleepy town Cajamarca (population around 100,000) February 15th by flying from Lima.  I stayed a few kilometers outside of the small city at a hot springs resort.  After my first day, I was a bit underwhelmed, but I figured a ... [Continue reading this entry]

Dead End

Wednesday, March 7th, 2007
I am in Arequipa, Peru now.  I have a few stories to tell and since today ended up being a no-go due to my first airplane cancellation (Arequipa to Cusco supposedly due to weather, but the weather is perfect... go ... [Continue reading this entry]