Absorbing Peru
Sunday, February 25th, 2007The desire to see as much of Peru as possible is pushing me along. I think this would have happened in Mexico, Panama and Colombia, but I had places to get to per a schedule and therefore I could not take the luxury of just making it up as I go. Peru is different because after Jillian left, I no longer have a schedule. And this is one hell of a great country to find that luxury. I was suppose to take a week off and in that time I was going to work on photos and video. I’m very happy with my decision to skip Patagonia thus bringing on a don’t-have-to-be-anywhere mode. I did some photo work, but the mountain is too high and I found other things to do. In fact, I did not take a week off other than from the standpoint that I stayed at one place for the whole week in Cajamarca. It was relaxing, but I did something each day that I was there. Carnaval was all-consuming for a couple of days and there is interesting colonial and inca places to visit in the city and surrounding areas. I’m not sure if I will burnout on this leg of the adventure. I see now that Peru and Bolivia will eat up my schedule into early April. The next 5-6 weeks will probably not be sedentary ones. Maybe I will take a fall break in Chile on the coast or in the mountains in early April. So, I don’t have photos to show yet, but I am making some progress and will chip away at it as I can and as my internet connections are available.