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Archive for February, 2007

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Absorbing Peru

Sunday, February 25th, 2007

The desire to see as much of Peru as possible is pushing me along.  I think this would have happened in Mexico, Panama and Colombia, but I had places to get to per a schedule and therefore I could not take the luxury of just making it up as I go.  Peru is different because after Jillian left, I no longer have a schedule.  And this is one hell of a great country to find that luxury.  I was suppose to take a week off and in that time I was going to work on photos and video.  I’m very happy with my decision to skip Patagonia thus bringing on a don’t-have-to-be-anywhere mode.  I did some photo work, but the mountain is too high and I found other things to do.  In fact, I did not take a week off other than from the standpoint that I stayed at one place for the whole week in Cajamarca.  It was relaxing, but I did something each day that I was there.  Carnaval was all-consuming for a couple of days and there is interesting colonial and inca places to visit in the city and surrounding areas.  I’m not sure if I will burnout on this leg of the adventure.  I see now that Peru and Bolivia will eat up my schedule into early April.  The next 5-6 weeks will probably not be sedentary ones.  Maybe I will take a fall break in Chile on the coast or in the mountains in early April.  So, I don’t have photos to show yet, but I am making some progress and will chip away at it as I can and as my internet connections are available. 

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Cajamarca to Trujillo

Saturday, February 24th, 2007

So the 310 kilometer drive which really only covered 120 kilometers from the Andes town of Cajamarca down to coastal city of Trujillo truly was beautiful.  Cajamarca sits in a valley surrounded by mountains.  The mountains are not so impressive in height, but they have a patchwork of farmlands and the various greens are quite nice.  As with the trip to the Cumbe Mayo ruins (oops… I realize now that I have not posted my story about Cajamarca Carnaval – I’ll finish it up soon), leaving Cajamarca first involves winding up and out of the valley through the farmlands.  As Cajamarca gets smaller we drove through smaller and smaller villages.  Don’t blink or you’ll miss each one of these groupings of homes.  These are not proper villages according to America and British standards – no post office (US) and no church (UK) and there certainly is no pub to be seen.

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Weight of the World

Friday, February 23rd, 2007
It is very easy for me to hear about a tragedy somewhere in the world and not get too affected.  Those sorry saps on over-crowded ferries in Indonesia, for instance.  I don't think I am too different from you in ... [Continue reading this entry]

Worst Drivers in the World?

Friday, February 23rd, 2007
I think I already mentioned that the driving in Peru is mighty scary.  That's an understatement.  I now believe that Peruvian drivers will be near the top of the list of bad drivers when I "finish" seeing the world.  My ... [Continue reading this entry]

Cafe Negro, Por Favor

Tuesday, February 20th, 2007
I didn't start drinking coffee until I decided to do this trip.  So, at 42 years of age, I had my first cup of coffee.  Why wait until 42?  Ask me later.  I quickly found that adding milk and sugar ... [Continue reading this entry]

The Key to Quito… Go to Quito, The Key to Guayaquil… Don’t Breath

Friday, February 16th, 2007
I liked Quito a lot.  It is the second largest city in Ecuador with 1.7 million people.  The largest being Guayaquil which I will discuss in a bit.  Quito is a city about 3000 meters above sea level in northern ... [Continue reading this entry]

Silicone Vacation

Thursday, February 15th, 2007
I lost notes from the following conversation I had with a woman flying between Cartagena and Bogota, but the conversation has not left my head so I decided to do my best to recreate it.  No exaggerations... if anything, this ... [Continue reading this entry]

The Coca Leaf

Thursday, February 15th, 2007
As soon as I hear the term "Common Wisdom" I think ignorance of the masses.  There is so much all of us accept as truth (me being included) without question and it is really a load of crap.  I keep ... [Continue reading this entry]

Lima is a Lemon

Thursday, February 15th, 2007
I went into the central historic section yesterday to see what Lima has to offer.  This is a sprawling, ugly city of eight million.  I think this is the first place on this leg of the trip that I truly ... [Continue reading this entry]

Jesus of the Andes

Wednesday, February 14th, 2007
I love churches. Can't say I love the Church, but the buildings and their contents fascinate me.  I am awed by the faith and patience in their God by the builders.  We have a couple of real churches in the ... [Continue reading this entry]