Bolivia… Being All it Can Be
Wednesday, May 16th, 2007I have been here for twenty-four days. I was enjoying Bolivia in Uyuni, Potosi and Sucre, but soon after arriving in La Paz the charm of this country was basically gone. I soon started to learn that the people here are as ignorant as I hope I ever encounter again. Maybe you think that is a harsh thing to say about a country, but my opinion seems to be shared by most of the people I am traveling with. Bolivia always seems to aim for the lowest level of service and lowest denominator and it is quite successful at it. I was wondering why this country is looked down so much by its neighbors and I wondered if it was bigotry against this mostly-indigenous country. Well now I share their opinion and it has nothing to do with who Bolivians are race-wise, but rather just about what they are all about. Of course, I have met some wonderful Bolivians, but the overall population that I have encountered is a group of people I can only feel sorry for and certainly not understand.