Illness and techno and monks, oh my!
Yesterday afternoon I got sick again. Luckily this time I started to feel bad (nauseated, feverish, etc.) while still awake so I was able to get everything out of my stomach before it could wreak too much intestinal havoc. Within a couple of hours, I felt right as rain again.
The soundtrack to my illness this time was the endless chanting of a monk (oh my word, is he ever going to shut up??) being amplified at the Sunday evening market outside, accompanied by some sweet techno beats coming from next door. And I got to enjoy this super hip spiritual dance mix totally free of charge. Lucky me!
Oh yeah, and I take back what I said yesterday about there not being so many foreigners here. There have actually been a huge influx in the past few days and I don’t think that’s just my imagination. For instance, when I got here a week ago, my guest house was almost totally empty and I got my pick of rooms. Today the ‘no vacancy’ sign was out for the second day in a row. But I will stand by the couples comment. Are people even allowed to travel to Thailand without their boyfriend/girlfriend? I’m surprised I wasn’t stopped at the border, ‘Hopelessly Single’ stamped in my passport, and hustled right back onto the next plane heading for Belgium or something.
Tags: Chiang Mai, Thailand
hopefully the techno guy will go crazy and give you a map to an island where you get to go hang out with leonardo decaprio and a bunch of weed. also i hope you didn’t get sick from eating at Amazing Sandwich
Every morning, 5 days a week for 3 consecutive months, I woke up to the blaring of the obnoxious children’s song (if you could call it a song), “ABC…” I was living in China at the time and every morning, it was the same crap…A, B, C, D, E, F, G,….every morning. The only saving grace was that I had fresh dumplings waiting for me on the other side of my bedroom door. I love my aunt!!! I gained 15 lbs that summer.