BootsnAll Travel Network

Back to BC, Animals Everywhere!

We left the Yukon and are back in BC now, we’ve seen wild buffalo, caribou, Stone sheep and moose since we’ve been here. No bears this time, though, which is strange. I miss my bears! It’s been weeks since a bear sighting.

The buffalo caused quite a traffic jam!

One of the Stone sheep they have up here, which are like the Dall sheep of Alaska only not white, and have smaller horns than the big horn sheep.

A family of caribou.

In Stone Mountain Provincial Park we hiked up Summit Peak. We eventually turned around, the weather was bad. The wind speed had to be over 80 mph, at one point Molly was almost launched off the side of the mountain! After that we decided we should go back down. Both Dave and I were pushed around by the wind, also. This is looking back down at the campground from on the mountain.


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