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2: Background

Saturday, October 1st, 2005

Some brief background then as to why I bother with this Blog…

After years of deliberation, procastination and generally chicken’ish hesitation I grabbed an opportunity to quit my current job and try something new…

I have not spent too many thoughts on what job I will do next and I’m not too bothered about this question at the moment because I have other plans for the short-term which are aimed at escaping the monotoneous daily clockwork routine of wakeup, commute, work, commute, sleep for a wee while… (I could expand this routine but you get the idea;-)

To do that (escaping) I plan to fulfil a long time desire to travel the world, experience different countries, cultures, people and live an almost certainly poorer lifestyle but hopefully a richer life in the short-term. And who knows I might even learn one or two things that might allow me to live a richer life in the long-term.

So… In a few months I will embark on a journey, nothing grand, nothing special or even epic but maybe some journey worth remembering, if not for others then at least for myself.

To that end the plan is that I will use this Blog as my travel diary and that (to others) it migth be a tracking device, a looking glass that wraps around the world to see whereever I am (or rather have been, still might be or maybe even will be shortly) and maybe a hearing aid that tunes into my thoughts whilst I am at those places.

I will try to keep a good record (hear hear) of where I am, where I have been and what I have seen and probably also what my next plans are. Seemingly I can add pictures so I might be able to throw in the odd photo to illustrate my trip 🙂 More importanlty though this Blog will hopefully not only allow me to keep a good visual record of the places I have seen but also of my thoughts and my emotions whilst travelling some exciting but also very different places around the world. No doubt there will be highs and lows throughout the trip and my aim is to capture those thoughts so I can relive my experiences more detailed later on… After all a title above a picture is just not enough to tell the tale, is it? 🙂

Well, for now I need to continue planning my trip as there are only about 2 months left until I leave work ( or should I say “until I start travelling”? 🙂

1: Blogs?

Saturday, October 1st, 2005

Blog One

So…. here I am starting my first blog. “A Blog?” you ask? Well don’t ask me. I have no idea who or when or how or why the word Blog came about or even who first came up with the concept of “Blogging” (though no doubt Google has the answer to all those questions).

A Blog is a rather strange odd thing. You can’t touch it, smell it, taste it, hear it and one can even argue about whether of not you can see it, yet – you can still experience it. A Blog isn’t real in the physical sense. A Blog is a collection of zeros and ones, of bits and bytes, of electrons. A Blog has a home on a harddisk somewhere yet it travels simultaneously all over the world. It is constantly on the move throughout the internet yet once it’s home dies it also seizes to exist. And then again.. a Blog is nothig like that at all…

A Blog is a record of one individuals thoughts, ideas or emotions. A record shared with nobody except the Author him-/herself, or shared with friends or foes or simply with whole wide world. A Blog is a stimulus to any human brain. A Blog a medium to record ones thoughts. No matter what the content, a Blog is just that.

A Blog is an electronic Post-It Note, a Notebook, a Diary if you like. It’s good for anything and nothing at the same time. A Blog can be personal or not at all and if you share it with the whole wide world you can, however unlikely it may seem, be guaranteed that some people somewhere in the world will read your blog, relive your thought, ideas, emotions and share part of your life with you, even if is just this weekends shopping list that you blogged 😉

Blogging is big it seems as blog sites are everywhere. Blogs are the new trend after E-Mail and SMS.
Blogging is a way to preserve ones Life and blogging is also it seems a way of life.

Well, we shall see how well I take up blogging and if it changes my life 🙂