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Archive for October, 2005

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4: Rough Plans

Saturday, October 8th, 2005

In short: I plan to travel mainly SE Asia and South Pacific for a few months starting December 2005 / January 2006

In more Detail:
My last day at work is planned to be the 9th of December 2005. A few days later I will begin my travel adventure by taking the first segment of my Round-The-World (RTW) flight ticket. It takes me to Germany (I know.. it’s not the real start of my trip but hey I could squeeze in the flight for free with my RTW ticket so why now :-)) So I will see my Family including the two most adorable nieces and the cutest nephew one could imagine :-D.

After that I plan to fly to SE Asia (Thailand) and tour adound for a good while including countries such as Cambodia and Vitenam. Then up to Japan (or so I hope) when the Cherry Trees are blossoming. Next stop would be New Zealand and Australia where again I would stop for a good wee while (a few months) before Island hopping across the South Pacific to North America.

Before all that can happen I have TONS of things to prepare incuding the RTW ticket itself, visas, vaccinations but also such minor things as moving out of my rented flat and putting all my belongings into storage until I am back.

(A Backblog)

3: The Perfect Itinery

Saturday, October 1st, 2005

My perfect Itinery would probably looks something like this:

The World.

Oh ok then.. lets be more realistic 😀

Afrika – Thailand – Tibet* – Nepal – Cambodia – Vietnam – China – Japan – Australia – New Zealand – Pacific Islands – Chile – Peru – Carribean – hey, I forgot Mongolia..

Sadly the World does not agree with this Itinery for the following reasons:

Temperatures, Rainfall, Humidity, Distances, Time, Finances and not to forget my Family and my own Family plans I guess (should they ever materialise ;-))

So I convinced myself that something less perfect will do (almost)..

Let’s see..

Thailand – Cambodia – Vietnam – China – Japan – Australia – New Zealand – Pacific Islands – Peru – Carribean – US – Home

Well I have got a feeling even this is still wishful thinking…

A Backblog.

2: Background

Saturday, October 1st, 2005
Some brief background then as to why I bother with this Blog... After years of deliberation, procastination and generally chicken'ish hesitation I grabbed an opportunity to quit my current job and try something new... I have not spent too many thoughts on ... [Continue reading this entry]

1: Blogs?

Saturday, October 1st, 2005
Blog One So.... here I am starting my first blog. "A Blog?" you ask? Well don't ask me. I have no idea who or when or how or why the word Blog came about or even who first came up with ... [Continue reading this entry]

Mama’s Kueche

Saturday, October 1st, 2005
Ein paar Rezepte aus Mama's Kueche... Gruene Bohnen Kleinschneiden or brechen und in Salz Wasser mit Bohnenkraut (wenn vorhanden) abkocken. Wasser abschuetten und etwas Bruehe aufheben. Speck & Schmalz auslassen, kleingehackte Zwiebeln duensten. 1EL Mehl dazu (vorsicht, nicht braeunen lassen) und mit Bruehe abloeschen. Pfeffer ... [Continue reading this entry]