Dont even think about running, CCTV is here.
CCTV cars snap distracted drivers
That was the title which made me think, what a crock of shit’.
The government has devised another money making scheme which involves getting in peoples faces once again and reducing peoples freedom by sticking cameras, cctv, on the top of smart cars and snapping away at everyone and anyone passing the bastard device in their cars. Its meant to catch people out who are talking on their phones, eating, even changing the radio station. These spy cars will be parked at junctions and be snapping people up all day.
This deterent will serve to reduce the number of accidents. Along with that excuse comes a fine if caught, points on your licence and an abusive, threatening letter from the government.
No-one knows the exact figure of CCTV cameras in the UK. the estimate is that ther are around 4 million of tem in the whole country with half a million in London. Now what we are doing with so many cameras I dont know. I suppose half of them have been set up to milk an already drained cow that is the British public. With speed cameras leading the way the government are on to a good thing. What is the purpose of a speed camera? To make sure that motorists arent speeding. Why is speeding bad? Cos you might knock someone down and kill them. So why are they on motorways and dual carriagewayswhich see no-one cross the road. ITS FOR THE REVENUE.
1/5 of the money raised from speed cameras is used for road safety campaigns. The rest of the money goes where? We know where, straight to the lying bastards that brought us the speed camera in the first place, the politicians.
In 1997, when Labour came to power, there were 712,753 speeding tickets issued as a result of motorists being caught by camera and police patrols.
By 2006, according to figures released by the Home Office in a Commons written reply, this had soared to 1,773,412.
With the cost of a Fixed Penalty Notice having risen from £40 to £60 in 2000, this has meant that the cash raised increased from £28.5 million to £106.4 million.
With more and more cameras coming to a road near you what does this suggest? Are the government actually doing this for our safety? Would they still do it if they couldnt collect fines? The answer is NO. They have found a gold mine with ‘CCTV’ and wont let it go, as much as they wont let go of our balls with which they have a firm grasp. With the trend of youths carrying knives continuing and an increase in anti social behaviour I dont think that the 4 million CCTV cameras have done much.
Tags: Britain-A sinking ship
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