A tranny love story
I spent over 3 years hacking it out as a freelance and occasionally hired English teacher. After countless adventures I jumped overboard and landed back in Europe. However the memory lives on on these mishaps. Here i retell a love story between a savage man and a tranny. Well several trannies.
WELL we had a blast in the gay club. never disappoints. allows friendly faces eager to grab a nipple or an ass to operate in a safe atmosphere. (Im no betting man but the odds on bet is that I aint gay. Our venture in the multicoloured way of life began in Mexico when we found an apartment to live in sharing with a gay man. Before this neither of us had any idea what the ‘kingdom’ was about.) Anyway back to the story….
Me and muppet went out for a few beers last night. Arturo then sent a txt saying he was with his friend in the gay club me and muppet were walking past. its near hotel hamilton and we were checking to see how blinky was. Blinky, dont ask about her name, was some crack hoe who worked outside, sometimes inside our hotel before we estblished ourselves in the flat. so we go in the club for a beer and leave at 4 am having danced banda, twisted each other nipples off and squeezed a trannies tits to see if it was a man or woman.
me and muppet were at the bar. We eyd our options which understandibly were scarse, this place being a gay club. Then. There were like 3 ´ladies´. but we werent too sure. muppet motioned one over to us, quite a hottie. we started speaking and you could hear the man voice. after a bit of jabber jabber ( chat, not anything sexual at all) i just squeezed her tits. low and behold, it was a dude. that was sorted out. We made our excuses and made off. On the drive home we see a lady sitting by some shop doorway. muppet winds his window down and starts yelling in his none existant spanish. then he asked ´are you a man or woman´ haha. then he starts yelling te amo te amo. i love you. i love you.
muppets gone to leon today to see his beach chick. went over to lilys house today to watch the office. i havent laughed so hard in ages. she told me to check out her language school cos they pay double what i will be getting at oxford eng. will do.
still no plans for new year
Tags: gay club, tapatio adventures, tapatio adventures tranny loving
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