The sniffles
Monday, August 11th, 2008The first big illness of the trip has befallen your two world travelers and we seem to have been struck down with a particularly spiteful form of the sniffles.
We’re both on anti-biotics and apparently it has been going round, so we at least have some info on what to expect, should clear up within a week if we keep taking the drugs. This does sadly mean that we can’t drink at all, but considering that it is now 8 minutes to 6 (p.m.) and this is the very first time I’ve been able to drag myself from the room, maybe that’s not such a bad thing.
This is the second full day spent not getting out of bed, even now as I type I can feel a bit of a sweat coming on. Lauren is just as ill as me, but we think she is a day ahead so, thankfully, she’s starting to feel better.
Hopefully, this will clear up soon as our time on Koh Tao is coming to an end, we are in our penultimate week and soon need to begin taking our anti-malarial drugs once more in preparation for Vietnam and Cambodia. Speaking of which, I am highly looking forward to being on the move once more. Staying in one place has been amazing, and I have aquired a feel for island life that would have eluded me should we have only been here for a week, but remaining stationary is making me feel, if only by a tiny amount, homesick. I cant quite figure out why this is, Lauren seems unaffected by it and is more than content to live on an island paradise (who, after all, wouldn’t be?) There is something inescapably homesick-inducing about being ill away from home, especially without a constant and ever changing stimulus of new places and things to see and do.
Either that or I’m a friggin’ moaner.