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Becoming Adults Again, and the 100 times you’ve put up with me.

Thursday, October 30th, 2008

Buy Mobiles:                      Check

Open Bank Account:          Check

Get Some Shoes:                Uhu

Find Job:                              Onto Second Interview

Find Apartment:                 Nothing.

We’ve barely even been able to see much of Melbourne yet we’ve been so busy having to run around (in a daze, with our head’s down-hence not seeing things) looking for jobs and apartments. We’ve got to a second interview in a promotions company, although this will involve spending A$150 on new smart clothes for it and we haven’t yet worked out what the job actually is. When I asked the lady in our first interview she seemed very hesistant, saying long, business degree sounding words like ‘project meeting’ and ‘sales team deployment,’ I still walked away from the interview not having any idea what would be expected of me, apart from the vague idea that it is to do with tires if you are a guy or haircare and beauty if you’re a girl.

If I do get the job of selling tires to clients, I hope none of them ask me what I drive. Me looking at my feet and mumbling something about my Fiesta 1.25 wouldn’t go down too well mehtinks.

Ah yea, and this is my 100’th post. Horray!

New Continent, New Look, New Style of Traveling. Oh, and coincidentally the worst day of traveling so far…

Wednesday, October 29th, 2008

Got to Oz A-O.K. but before we go too far into that, lets have some backstory…

I glossed over some details about Singapore, we were staying in a clean 12 person dorm, this was alright, the first real dorm we’ve stayed in but pretty neato so we didn’t mind. What we did mind on the first night is the 2 morbidly obese men in the dorm (they weren’t together) and their obscenely loud snoring. There was also another, he wasn’t obese, but he was loud. Dear God he was loud. Cue a sleepless night and much bitching around the bunkbeds between all the other dorm inhabitants the next day.

The following night wasn’t much better. The two fatties had moved on and out, but the other guy was still there. He wasn’t snoring at all as I drifted off. When I vaguely regained some conciousness, maybe I was rolling over, his snore was so loud that it woke me right up, and kept me up for the rest of the night. I’d had 3 hours sleep.

Follow this with a flight where the child behind us would not stop kicking our chairs and thats sleepless night number 3. We got to our hostel in Melbourne, Cooee, and it seems that check in isn’t until 2p.m. It’s 9 a.m.  when we arrive and we are told to relax in the communal area. We were so tired that Lauren fell straight asleep, I drifted in and out, semi-hallucinating because I cannot work out if I’m dreaming or not. This went on for a full 3 hours.

But still, we are here now, we have 2 bright new mobiles that we are struggling to register online, but once we do we will be able to call all you lovely family folk back home. It’s a little surreal actually, we both are so used to S.E.Asian life now that when the lady at reception asked if I wanted to pay by card I was taken aback. In Asia, nothing was done on card.