Argh, could be time to split
So, decisions abound over the next few days. For 3 years Lauren and I have been inseparable (well, ignoring the 2 years I spent away at Uni in Liverpool, but there’s no need to be pernickity) and now it seems that the time has come for the twosome to split, at least for the time being.
Before I leave Asia I definitely want to trek and 100% have to do the canopy walk in Taman Nagara- a rickety bridge leading across the jungle rooftop. Lauren, however, would rather go tubing in Vangviene again than do this, and she once threatened to kill me if I ever made her go tubing again. Therefore a temporary split is inevitable. Maybe Lauren will stay in Pananag? If anyone has any news on this rea it would be greatly appreciated, is it A-ok for lone female travelers? Obviously if not then we will have to come to some other compromise as I’m never going to leave Lauren anywhere where I don’t feel she is perfectly safe, this is part me being all macho and protective over my woman and part promise I inevitably had to make before leaving home.
So, what to do? I guess the perinthians aren’t a million miles from Taman Nagara so maybe Lauren could go there, speaking to some fella in the pub t’other day he told me it was nicer than any of the islands in Thailand. Failing that we have some friends in KL at the moment and we could meet there. Any advice no matter how trivial sounding would be massively appreciated.
Tags: Travel
Leave her with the mates, safest bet IMO…
Panang not all that lady friendly then? KK thanks for the heads up