BootsnAll Travel Network

Koh Phi Phi

After an easy enough 15 hours or so on busses and boats, we’ve made it to the mecca of the Andaman coast, Koh Phi Phi. First impressions is that it isn’t a bazillion worlds away from Koh Tao, similar sorts of prices, same laid back vibe. I think I’ll probably enjoy it here.  Getting to Maaysia turned out to be a bit of a nightmare from Bangkok in the end, we wuold have had to pay an arm and a cliched leg to get to KL, and then god knows what to get back up the the perinthians. Therefore, sadly, we are cutting our Malaysia trip slightly short. Instead our main focus is going to be KL and it’s surrounding areas. Chances are we will pass close by to Panang on the way though, so hopefully we’ll be able to spend a night or two there before moving further down through the country. Not sure on how long we will stay on Phi Phi for, it is expensive, but at the same time we have managed to budget very well up until this point and we’re thinking that we can afford a bit of luxury. Luxury, by the way still means being in a hot stuffy fan-only room with no T.V. and a shower that barely works, but hey, it’s on paradise.

I would like to do some diving here, but at a whopping 2200 Baht per dive (in Koh Tao I could do it for 700!) I’m kinda put off by the price. I’m sure it’s lovely to do here, but do I like diving that much? or would I rather save the money for something else? Rock climbing on nearby Krabi for example where apparently climbers the world over come to experience the beautiful climbs.

Decisions, Decisions.

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