Quick Hits
Real quick post today, actually yesterday we wrote a long, drawn out and wildly funny and intelligent post, which got lost in the Blogging Universe Matrix as we were trying to post it…it must have been the computer/connection here (we’re of course not blaming it on user error)…so real quick: We are in Sawhdi Madahpor, and had a full day of (unsuccessful yet enjoyable) Tigar Safariing today…the Bird Safari the previous two days in Bharatupor (sp?)was interesting as well. The computer at the hotel we’re staying at (incidentally called the Hotel Tigar Safari, wonderful place), isn’t all that great, so we just wanted to send a quick hello. Tomorrow we head out to Jaipur, via train, in the AM, and hopefully we’ll be able to get up a longer post then. Hope everyone’s weekend was great! Until then…
Cheryl & Mike
Tags: Travel
I heard the Liger population in Bharatupor is astonishing….have fun.