Well, it’s about 11AM this morning, and we’re about to take off via 6hour train ride to Jodhupor (sp?), so we figured we’d catch everyone up on our day yesterday.
We had decided to go shopping in the Bazaar’s in the Pink City, and we did although it wasn’t as much of a full day activity as we had thought. We headed out around 11AM, and shopped for about an hour-hour and a half. It really takes it out of you, because you are constantly attacked by shop owners badgering you to enter their store/markets (it’s like that scene in the movie “Airplane!” where he walks through the terminal and karate-fights off all the Hare Krishna’s), it’s not a simple, casual, pleasant stroll through peaceful markets and shops, to say the least. But, hey, that’s India, nothings very calm really. We picked up a few items, and then headed off to a place called “Baristas” , which is a full blown Starbucks-style coffee house…eureka! But this was just the start, as we were sipping our drinks, discussing our lunch options, we looked across the street and couldn’t believe our eyes. There, in plain sight, was America’s great gift to the world…the Golden Arches, staring right back us. Read the rest of this entry »