Lost in the Alfama
The traveller has seen much of the world and of life, and has never felt comfortable in the role of a tourist who goes somewhere, take a look at it, thinks he understands it, takes photos of it and returns to his own country boasting that he knows the Alfama. This traveller must be honest. He went to the Alfama, but he does not know what it is. All the same, he walks and walks, and when he finally comes out at Largo de Chafariz de Dentro — after being lost more than once as he knew he would be — he wants to immerse himself once more in its dark alleys, the twisting dead-end streets, the slippery steps, until he feels he has at least learnt the first few words of the immense dialogue going on between houses, inhabitants, personal histories, laughter and the inevitable tears.
~ from Journey to Portugal, Jose Saramago
I spent Friday morning on a walking tour of the Alfama. I wrote a bit about it here at the Eurail Blog, another place where I´ll be writing a few times a week. It is now the wee hours of Saturday morning here, and I just got back from another fantastic night with new friends from Germany, France and Portugal. I will write more about them and our Friday night adventures sometime over the weekend, but I´m off to bed now. TGIF and happy weekend to all, I know it is a long one for some in the States, so enjoy!
Tags: Europe 2006, lisbon, Portugal, Quotes, Tag Index
February 18th, 2006 at 4:38 pm
Kelly, so glad to see that you finally made it. Enjoy Lisboa, its so pretty! I had forgotten about the beer (Sagres) until you mentioned it in yesterday’s comments. That brought back memories. Maria says hello and she is jealous!!!
We can’t wait to hear what you have to say about the Algarve Region (the south) and hope you have a opportunity to get up to Oporto (north)…that’s what we really enjoyed.
Stay safe.
February 18th, 2006 at 4:50 pm
Hey Kelly!
Dinner at Super Mario’s was awesome yesterday! Loved the chat and loved the company. It’s only a shame you had to go so early, but there is only so much time in a day and we got home at 10am.
BTW, this has been rated as “The best night ever” by CuVille 🙂
Hope you enjoy your stay and make lots of friends along the way.
February 19th, 2006 at 12:43 am
Mike and I are here in chilly chilly philly (it’s only 5 degrees here tonight) reading your blog!! Believe it or not Kel, we got Gelato!! tonight at the place YOU had sent me the link to when I still lived in DC. I totally thought of you tonight. The name of the place is Capogiro and it is amazing….when you get back we have to go. I’m so glad you are going out and taking tours and meeting all these new people!! YEAH!! The Eurail Blog is very cool also! Have fun and lots of love from Philadelphia…..
February 19th, 2006 at 4:15 pm
Hey all, thanks for stopping by…
Jeff: headed to Algarve tomorrow, will keep you posted…tell Maria I said hi!!
Joao: just sent ya an email, thanks for everything!!
Bruno Baby!!!: say hi to Anton and stay warm you two, gelato????? thanks for reading…thinking of you often