When planning for previous trips I looked forward to departure with great anticipation, eager to begin the adventure. This time around, I hesitate, suddenly overwhelmed by fondness for my home. Each run on the greenbelt I savor the smell of the spring river and delight in spotting flickers, heron and the pair of swans raising their young. Next year, I will miss May in Boise. I’ll miss soccer, Tae Kwon Do tests and all the hectic activity of the end of the school year. I’ll miss those jovial dinners with our friends with the kids running around the backyard and the adults putting off the preparation of the meal while discussing the pressing issues of the day. Next May, we’ll be in China if all goes according to schedule. We’ll be exploring new territory and meeting new friends and trying somehow to fit in online school for the kids.Not wanting to let go of a place is unfamiliar territory for me and an unanticipated byproduct of planning a yearlong trip around the world. This reluctance to leave, is a good thing though as it tells me that we finally settled in the right place. After a lifetime of moving from place to place, Mitch and I found a community to settle in that is right for us. A place to call home. We’ll happily return to Boise, but first we must finish the gargantuan task of putting our lives here on hold, reduce our possessions to what will fit in a backpack and set forth on our journey.MargitThe greenbelt swans successfully hatched their brood, but I haven’t seen them the past few days. I wonder what happened?
Leaving Boise
by long4adventure on 27. May, 2010 in preparation
Tags: margit, preparation
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Loved the photo of the swans. I know how you feel. After some time I managed to find a place that really suits me, but having looked forward to an extended journey for about 2 years, I have to move-on, knowing that I can return and start over. But so much can occur in the coming year that I am focused on what is ahead. I leave in September. Enjoy you travels.
Looking forward to following your blog. How exciting!! I really am envious.
Envious! I’ve always had a passion for exploring new places and meeting new people. My mom constantly told me to just go and get it out of your system. On the contrary, I found it to be a bug that works it’s way deeper into my system. No regrets on planting roots in Teton Valley, but man I’d like to be in your shoes for the next year! Your a wonderful physician and a pleasure to work with. Thanks for keeping us posted =-) Dave
Hi Margit,
What a great adventure….have a great time! Looking forward to reading about your fun times.
Hi to the Family!
I’m anticipating your grand adventure! Hope you can post an update often, so we can follow in your footsteps. Happy Trails to you!
Have a wonderful time. I look forward to hearing about it along the way and upon your return.
And so it begins. The travel of a life time. I’m excited and nervous for you! Please keep us posted on all your experiences. I plan to live vicariously through this trip. Many people dream of a trip like this. You, on the other hand, are about to live it.
Enjoy and absorb every bit of every experience. …and then post it here for all of us to read and enjoy.
May a higher power watch over you all and have a safe journey!!!