BootsnAll Travel Network


July 28th, 2004

At long, long last it’s finally starting to hit me. After tomorrow morning I won’t see most of my family, my house, my friends, and pretty much anything else that’s part of home for a full year.
I think all the rushing around and making final arrangements today in preparation for departing tomorrow was what finally succeeded in drilling it into my head.
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Saying Goodbyes

July 23rd, 2004

One part of travelling that is somewhat less fun than others is saying goodbyes. To friends, family, and even just to home…
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A visit to Montreal

July 18th, 2004

This entry is being prepared a bit after the fact, but I still thought I ought to include a brief summary of the first bit of travel that’s at least vaguely connected to my worldwide wanderings: A visit to Montréal, Québec in order to say last goodbyes to my friends there. (In fact, as has been explained to a few people, the real reason for my visit there was to sate an overwhelming craving for Boréale Rousse, a beer from Quebec that I enjoyed a lot of during my days at McGill, and is unavailable in Ontario.)
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July 14th, 2004

Hello! (For those of you who don’t know me already) I’m Llew. Welcome to my travel ‘blog. By checking out this page periodically you’ll be able to follow me on my (roughly) year long trip round the world. For an approximate schedule of the trip, and to learn a bit more about me, check out the entry entitled The Man and The Plan.

I’m aiming to make updates to this ‘blog throughout the trip at a rate of (about) one a week. Included will be diary type entries, documenting where I’ve been, what I’ve seen and done, and who I’ve met recently, as well as digital photos taken during my travels.

You can navigate around either by following the entries in chronological order, or by picking out a category of entry that interests you from the list on the left of the screen.

You’ll also be able to make comments on pretty much any of the entries. Just keep in mind that more or less anyone will be able to read them (including all my relatives and any strangers who are reading.) So… While you’re encouraged to make comments galore, if there’s anything you don’t want the whole world reading, just e-mail it to me at llewtravel at yahoo dot ca

Sooo… Enjoy my travel ‘blog, have fun following along, and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don’t hesitate to let me know about things to do or eat, or places to stay, or people to meet, or just anything at all about the places I’ll be visiting!


The Man and the Plan

July 8th, 2004

My name’s Llew (short for Llewellyn) Bardecki, and I’m eagerly anticipating my departure on an upcoming year-long Round The World trip. To this point I’ve spent most of my life (24 of 28 years) living in Toronto, Canada with the remainder spent 600km away in Montreal studying civil engineering.

I’ve already travelled quite a bit, having been to every continent except Asia and Antarctica, but a lot of that was with my family when I was young, so my “independent” type travel experience is pretty limited (this will, of course, soon be rectified in a big way.)

Currently the plan is to stay in hostels, trekking huts and other inexpensive accommodations interspersed with visits to friends. Planning to this point has been pretty limited, save for working out some destinations and a rough schedule. My idea is to spend my time doing whatever strikes my fancy at a given moment, or is recommended by the heaps of fellow travelers and natives I hope to meet 🙂
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