BootsnAll Travel Network


Can someone please explain to me why no one in Spain even knows what baseball is?! Itīs the same freaking word in spanish…beisbol.
Anyway…you New Yorkers need to start cheering all the louder for the Yanks…bad start to the season IMO. Glad to see the win yesterday…but still, less then auspicious.
Iīm dying to watch a game! Iīve settled for a little play-by-play action through the Yanks website, but itīs not the same. All you Yankees fans…throw one back for me…a toast to the rally! Letīs kick Bostonīs butt!
Forgive me…Iīm obsessing a bit in my absense.
Okay, thatīs all for now…


3 responses to “Baseball”

  1. Mary Dunstan says:

    AND Giambi got his first HR. Torre moved Bernie Willliams to the ninth position b/c of his weak start, but Bernie ended up going 3-5 including a solo home run (the best batter of the game).

  2. tickles says:

    I actually went to my first Yankee game last wekeend vs the Orioles. The weather was so gorgeous and the beer was flowing (at $7.50 a cup) It was a lot of fun and the Yankees came back and won.

    But I’d rather be in Barcelona.

  3. Midori says:

    Yes, I know that!! I traveled around Europe before, they don’t like baseball, they only care about soccer. Anyway I’m happy that both big Matsui and little Matsui, also Ichiro are doing good !!!