Off Again…
I’m packed and ready to go…which is easier and easier with every trip. My bag for 2.5 weeks is size of a nerdy junior high-schooler’s bookbag.
I’ll be taking a jaunt around Europe, heading to my favorite places, to visit friends and cities that are close to my heart. I’m rarring to go.
First stop: Barcelona, a city that I fell instantly in love with one cool morning in September 2003. Bleary for an overnight train, I remember walking out of the station and being confronted by a giant metal dragon, which doubled as a slide on a children’t playground. I loved it…and soon found much more there that captured my heart. Barcelona, a city of whimsy, is a place I fell completely at home. I can’t wait to get there!
Earlier this week I came down with a cold and started fretting. I instantly put myself on the ‘I-CAN’T-be-sick’ plan…orange juice, chicken soup, tea with lemon and honey and lots of rest. Luckily it paid off…I’m pretty much over my cold. That might be a record-recovery for me.
Now I’m just counting down minutes till I leave for the airport.
Tags: Life at 'Home'
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