BootsnAll Travel Network

What a flight!

Barcelona -April 1, 2005 -9:18PM

ACK! Worst flight ever!
Let me start by saying that Airbus suck. There´s abnormally little leg room and everything rattles and shakes like it´s falling apart. (At the slightest turbulence the center console seriously looked like it would fall from the ceiling.) Each time I board an Airbus it convinces me further how little I like them.
To start, we took off over an hour late and I got a seat next to a lady who got up no fewer then 9 times, including 3 times when I was trying to sleep…which was futile anyway. Someone was always grabbing the back of my seat, or stomping on my foot, or knocking me upside the head as they walked down the isle. I got ZERO minutes of sleep…not the way to start a journey.
Add to this bad stewardesses (sp?). I asked for a glass of water at one point and was told no, I would have to wait. How hard is a glass of water?! They didn´t serve drinks for more then an hour…
And here´s the kicker…not for the squimish. A lady in the row behind me got suddenly, violently sick. There wasn´t even any turbulence…She puked all over her son, who was about 10, who screamed and burst into tears (not a bad reaction really.) and on the head of the man 2 seats over from me. On his head!!! Poor guy…he sat very little of the rest of the flight and when he did he put his pillow to his forehead and tried to sleep like that.
All of this conspired to make Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow seem like a good movie…better then the weird hell that was my flight anyway…though I don´t think they should show inflight movies that focus on planes being shot down from the sky and general destruction.
In the end I missed my connecting flight…but was given a new boarding pass and had to run the entire length of the airport to catch that flight…fretting about my luggage (everything I own for the next 8 months) the entire time. I made the connection, along with 2 other ladies who ran through the airport with me, and promptly passed out.
Barcelona airport is a breeze, and a quickly got my luggage and caught a bus to the city. I checked into a little hotel for my first night, desperately wanting a little sleep and a shower, then ate a good meal, and I feel human again. Wonderful. 🙂
I´m off to check out some night life, drop by Travel Bar to see if they´re doing anything fun tonight, maybe sip some sangria and go to sleep early.
Tomorrow is a new day…


3 responses to “What a flight!”

  1. tickles says:

    Hi Liz! Ugh, that flight sounded terrible, esp. the puking part. But now you are in barcelona… I am so jealous!! I look forward to reading more…

  2. socalgirl says:

    Hey Liz,

    Sorry to hear about your flight, sometimes they just can’t be avoided. How is Barcelona? Are you finding your way around? When do you start your school?

    Details, we need details….


  3. mina olen says:

    barfing?? gross! You should’ve taken pictures haha… poor kid… that flight sounds miserable.

    On the bright side, things gotta be looking up by now?! glad you touched down okay

    *mental note: avoid Airbus*