BootsnAll Travel Network

Just a little update

Internet has been rather harder to come by then I expected…

My mom and I arrived in Vienna in one piece, albeit aftera terrible flight. It started at the airport…We went to terminal 1 at JFK to check in, where Alitalia is located, waited on line for 30 minutesand were then told we needed to go to a different terminal, terminal 3. We took the airtrain over, and ended up at Delta, which no one mentioned wasrunning our flight. Figured that out…then checked in and headed forthe gate which was so far away we were back in terminal 2! We also realized theyhad not given usseats together…and we were in the last row ofthe plane, amidst a large high school singing group. Thankfully we got our seats changed….to a row in front of 2 Italian children who kicked our seats for 7.5 hours, despite being asked to stopbyus and flight attendants, so we got NO sleep. We arrived in Milan exhausted, where we had to wait out a 5 hour layover. I stayed awake the whole time, but fell asleep as soon as I sat down on the teeny-tiny plane.
We finally made it to Vienna…so tired we couldn´t even walk a block for dinner, grabbed a quick bite in the hotel and passed out cold.
Vienna, was waiting when we woke up. (Gosh that´s a lot of W´s…more if I used the Austrain name for Vienna: Wien.) We spent thenext few days seeing grandiose buildings, swanky royal apartments, bolder-sized crown jewels and partaking in much coffee. (It really is damn good coffee!)
From there it was off to the tiny mountain town of Fiesach, with it´s yellow and pink buildings, old city walls (and moat) and absolutely lovely people. We spent only one night though, as we´re trying to make our way to Venice…which has been more difficult then anticipated…there´s no train from 10-7, and since we missed theone this morning, we´ll be arriving by dark. Right now we´re killing time in Villach near the Austrain border, another lovely little place, set amidst snow-capped mountains…picture perfect really.
Okay…that´s all for now. I can write more about all this when I´m not using a German keyboard. Ugh…I keep hitting ö or ä or ß…


3 responses to “Just a little update”

  1. Mary Dunstan says:

    That ß is a double ‘S’, and it’s annoying as hell. They should have had me create their alphabet! I would have come up with something more sensible.

    Hope your mom is enjoying her trip out of the country. Is she freaked out about not understanding what people are saying around her?

    I love Viennese coffee too!

    Don’t forget to post from Venice!


  2. philip says:



    Here is a little story for you…I was on the train, crossing Siberia, when I met a bunch of Drug Dealers from Dagestan. After several bottles of vodka they told me that the world’s best brandy comes from Dagestan. Everytime they mentioned their country – Dagestan – they pounded their breast in partiotic manner – I woke up the next day with a bit of a sore head…and the burning desire to go on a bender in Dagestan…want to come???


  3. *Liz says:

    Yay…thanks for the comments folks. You guys just made me SMILE 🙂

    I have to say, I think coffee in Italy is better the in Austria…though Austrians sure do come up with some interesting flavor combos to enhance their coffee…orange liquor anyone….and let’s just name that after the Empress, shall we? Brilliant.

    Dagestan Philip…do they have marionets there? God…I can hear you giggling right now and you’re a few thousand miles away!