Himeji castle
After getting up substantially later than I had first planned as a result of the previous nights awesomeness I checked out of the hostel, unfortunately and headed out to the Himeji castle. It’s supposed to be one of the best castles in Japan, and one of the few that survived intact from the middle ages. I wasn’t that impressed to be honest. Now it looks cool from the outside, all fancy and unpenetrable etc.
But inside it’s like a shell, mainly uninteresting. It’s worth seeing from the outside to take some pictures but that’s about it in my opinion. Doesn’t compare to the great castles I’ve seen in Europe. Now I want to go to Warwick castle, lol.
Arrived in Kobe where I’ll be for a couple of nights, found the hostel here which is fine but not conveniently located at all. Nothing in the area at all, it was late and I was hungry so I went to the 7/11 and bought some fine take out japanese noodles and tofu and ate them back at the hostel. Even the 7/11 food here is good, and there’s one everywhere.
Tags: Japan, Travel
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