BootsnAll Travel Network


Tonight (March 7th) is census night in New Zealand. Everyone (*everyone*) gets to fill out this little bubble form, and drop it at some spot- in my case the same place my rent would go if I had money- by 9am, and they use it to do all that censusy stuff.

I get the feeling they do this every year, too. This excersize is much easier if you already know the answers in NZ terms. I don’t. Heck, who can accurately multiply their pre-tax earnings by the exchange rate? Not me, I can’t even add them together.

They do look much more impressive in NZ$’s, though.

In other news, this lazy monster should have money in two or three weeks, and maybe then I’ll make it out of town. Or maybe not.

But for now- things to do in Palmerston North!

There’s a rugby museum- Haven’t been, all I know about rugby is that it hurts.

There’s a rugby/ sporting complex. Have been there- school gave us free food.

There are a bunch of really neat parks- in and around town are all sorts of little and big parks, each with it’s own sort of feeling.

Hmmm.. there’s this really cool library, but somehow I suspect the whole “no free internet” thing will kill the interest in that one for most people- but they do have a cool collection of  NZ, Maori, and Polinesian books- plus books in a bunch of different languages- Oh, and you can get a visitors card- that lets you take out, I think 3 books at a time.

Can you tell I like the library? Hey, it’s free.

Also, there are three grocery stores of varrying cost, something called “warehouse” and two little import shops- one with a nice chinese guy at the register who speaks pretty good english- for a shop where everything is in chinese, and the other a sort of cross between a whole food store and an international market- with all your take away restaurant needs. You need it, it’s probably imported? You’ll find it there- and at only $18 a kilo, has the cheapest brazil nuts I’ve found here yet.

And there is a sneaky rumor (or rumour) that there’s a whole/ health food store here somewhere. I don’t believe it. There’s also a K-Mart, for any NAmericans feeling homesick (they have K-mart in Mexico, don’t they?).


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-1 responses to “Statistics”

  1. R. says:

    Last things first, no that’s Walmart, and I doubt you’d be searching one out. Costco made it to Japan, so there should be one somewhere there too? (guessing)

    You like libraries better when there’s free access to sock-sites. Sounds cool though. I like going to libraries to d-load stuff onto my PSP, look for books on erotic art from around the world, books on history Saffron and historical fiction of deranged maniacs that make perfume.

    I gots me a census form from the gubment the other day.. eep! Random house mailing, my ass! Do you win anything for participating in NZ? You should enter more contests.. that’d be cool.

  2. Chrissie says:

    So you like Erotic art?
    Interesting collection idea. I collect fairy tales from different countries, though with lack of funds my collection hasn’t grown lately.

    And I thought the census thing was like once every couple of years to every household.

    Well, signing off to club boy over head. Talk you later R.

  3. R. says:

    Do I like erotic art?.. hmm… yes, yes i do.

    Fairy tales are good too, especially the uncensored kind with eroticism in them!

    Club? why not boink?

  4. Chrissie says:

    Why not boink? Cause he never wants too dammit! That is why. He is the sexless wonder. He is the complete contradiction to all the male stereotypes. I need to read my sleeping Beauty erotica if I can figure out where I put it during the move.

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