BootsnAll Travel Network

I’m Home

Yahoo! 🙂

So, I left a day/night (?!) early and am home. What a horrible travel day. Left Hong Kong at 1:40PM and arrived in LA at 10:00AM after an hour delay. First, 6 people did not show up for the flight yet their bags did so “in the name of security”, they offloaded the bags. Then, the middle fuel pump was having problems and the engineer came on to fix that. Exactly what you want before you set off on a 12 hour flight. I knew it was going to be chaos on the way home. Afterall, I had been soooo lucky and not one problem on any of the flights I had in the past two months. Anyway, LAX was a major nightmare. Once I arrived and had only 2 hours layover instead of 3, I did not make it to the gate until it was already boarding. Security was a MESS and I got picked for the SSSS check (I asked the TSA lady if it meant Super, super, super screwed)…at least she laughed, I think I was a little delirious by that point. When you have enough time to watch 5 full length movies on a plane…ugh! Anyway, I have never seen a line for security actually have to go outside of the airport…craziness. So, I caught the next flight to Dallas and then from Dallas to Tampa, arriving at about 11:40PM. I think it will take a few days to recuperate and adjust to the time difference. Hong Kong was 13 hours ahead of Florida and it was 16 hours on a plane in total.

Anyway, thanks for following me on this journey of a lifetime. Oops, I almost forgot…I *might* be being profiled by Intrepid Travel for an advertisement in National Geographic because I am from the US and went to Cambodia. How cool would that be? I have to send her my information later today. It was a questionairre and they want a few “real photos”. I’ll keep you posted:)

Ciao for now.


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