BootsnAll Travel Network

Cu Chi Tunnels

On Friday, I decided to go to the Cu Chi Tunnels. I thought I had asked for a group tour but I ended up with a driver and personal car for the day for $40USD. Anh was my driver and spoke very little English.

The tunnels were used during the Vietnam War (if you’re in the US-American War (if you’re in Vietnam). It was about 50 kilometers from HCMC. Once we got out of the city, it was quite pleasant. Upon arrival, I paid my 65000 Dong ($4USD) for the tour. First we got to watch a “video”..more like propoganda from the 60s or 70s. Basically, it went America=the enemy…Washington, DC=enemy. Some things never change, eh? 🙂 It was certainly interesting watching it as the only American in the room…the rest were Russian tourists. Right away the guide asks where I am from, I say the US and then he decides he wants to practice English on Here he was under the impression that I was a teacher teaching English in HCMC. Huh?? Well, he was nice about it, eventhoug the tour was basically how the US tried to kill all the Vietnamese “even the women and children”. Quote, unqoute.

I tried to go in to the tunnel that was open…it was 30 meters long. It was soo hot and stuffy I turned right around back up the steps. I can’t imagine how they stayed down there for any length of time. We were also shown different trap doors that were used for the enemy (USA) as well as a US tank left there. It was very unsettling, being there, knowing they are talking about YOUR country even if it was over right before I was born. At the kitchen area, we were served kava and green tea. Ugh. It started to rain and we finished the tour.


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