BootsnAll Travel Network


Some photos have been uploaded for Tahiti and New Zealand. Sorry for the delay:)


3 Responses to “Photos”

  1. Barbie Says:


    Awesome reading…just got caught up with you, but I am dying to see the Tahiti pictures and can’t figure out where they are:-(

    We dodged another bullet with Wilma…Yippee Skippee…You are all signed up for UHC and unsigned up for Colonial:-)

    Take care.


  2. Posted from United States United States
  3. Jeanne Davis Says:

    Hi kiddo! Wow. Ronni forwarded your site to me and I have enjoyed scouting thru. I only wish I was along for the ride! Sounds just awesome. Gotta put Tahiti on my list of “to do’s”. Take care. Safe travels!

  4. Posted from United States United States
  5. Jeff Klebly Says:

    yeah, where the hell are the pictures? is this one of those scam sites? i don”t have to give my credit card info-do I?