Mai pen rai (it doesn’t matter)
i am leaving bangkok tonight on the overnight train into Laos. it has been re-energising to spend time with family and old friends who were passing through this crazy city. i had hit a bit of a 2-month trough – thailand is a bit like quick-sand that way, so comfortable and squisshy that its hard to leave. but i am back on track and can’t wait to get moving again.
“mai pen rai” is a new mantra a friend and i discovered in days of negotiating
bangkok. in the scheme of life, most things don’t really matter. i am learning the art of patience and letting go. often the most annoying things lead to the best bits we would otherwise miss (e.g. being unable to call thai air due to phones that steal baht, meant having to go there in person to the thai air office, and discovering a whole new area of bangkok which we both loved and would
have otherwise missed.)
hope you’re all happy, well and at ease in the world – cause when it all comes down to it, really mai pen rai. . .
Tags: Thailand